As an independent company, not required to tow the company line, MoreDirt is building a targeted community - with currently 55,000+ registered users.
Our loyal members and visitors spend an average of 3:22 minutes browsing an average of 3.66 pages. Rate My Ride and our large trail directory are very popular sections with the latest news and forum close behind.
With have continually refined and developed the site since it's launch in December 2005 to ensure continued future growth, including mobile and tablet versions of the website.
We believe MoreDirt is the next generation of mountain bike websites, with stunning design and social features providing the best possible online environment in which to advertise to mountain bikers online.
Banners on MoreDirt are displayed in rotation. Each time a user visits a new page, the advert slots rotate.
You pay for an ad slot on a monthly basis, perfect for Distributors or businesses with several brands. You can display as many individual adverts within your slot, again with each advert shown in rotation.
Source: Google Analytics - Statistics based on previous full calendar year
1 Month | 3 Months | 6 Months | 12 Months | |
Leaderboard 728 x 90 | £250 | £675 | £1200 | £2100 |
MPU 300 x 250 | £150 | £375 | £700 | £1200 |
Rectangle 300 x 150 | £90 | £225 | - | - |
Mobile Banner 320 x 50 | £250 | £675 | £1200 | £2100 |
Please contact us on [email protected]