Industry Insights - Dave Barton

8 July 2013  |  

In our latest series MoreDirt is giving you an insight into the MTB industry and asking the all important questions to some of the faces that make it tick! Meet Dave Barton of Burgtec!

Dave Barton Burgtec

Who is Dave Barton?

That’s a bit of a deep question! Dave Barton works for Burgtec and I pretty much have a hand in everything to do with Burgtec!

Give us an interesting fact about yourself?

I’m a size 12 in a dress.

Whats your role within ….?

Tough to pin that down... Pretty much everything to do with Burgtec

How long have you been doing your job and how has it changed over the years?

Back in 2003 or 2004 we made the first penthouse flat pedals. It’s grown over the years from those original 20 sets of pedals to a full component range with bars, stems and a small distribution outfit!

You are stuck in a lift for the next 3 hours, you can pick 3 people to be stuck with you, who would it be and why?

Definitely Sir Alex Ferguson… I’m a big Manchester United fan so it would be good to grill him on all things football.
I’d have to take some decent talent to look at for the full 3 hours so I’d have to pick SuperNanny.
Finally I think I’d go for kelvin the commissaire as he’s a pretty nice bloke!

What bike do you ride?

At the moment I am currently riding a Morewood Jabula but its between that and a Sukuma.

26, 27.5” or 29?

Tough one that… 27.5” will be the one for the trail market. 29” will carry on leading the cross country market. Actually what am I saying!
26” till I die. In 3 years time we’ll go full circle and everyone will see that those are the wheels we should all be riding !

Tubes or Tubeless?


Clips or Flats?

Flats! Burgtec Penthouse one’s!

Whats the best thing about working in the cycle industry?

Being Poor!

Dave Barton Burgtec

And the worst?

Being Poor! Haha

What’s the Best mountain bike product of all time?

The Mk.4 Burgtec penthouse Flat pedal.

And the worst?

Another tough question! I’ll have to say a DCD. You know the old Dave’s Chain Device! I used to run one back in the day but I don’t think they do them anymore. They should definitely come back again!

That’s not really a worst product then is it but never mind!

What’s the best piece of advice anyone’s ever given you?

“Don’t shit on your own doorstep”

And the Worst?

“Do shit on your own doorstep!” It’s gotta be the reverse aha!

What will be the next big innovation to take off in the mountain bike industry?

If I knew that I would be out there doing it now and I wouldn’t be talking to you about it!

Have you got any sneak previews of something new that’s coming from Burgtec in the near future?

The Mk.4 pedal is the main thing from us I suppose! 16mm thick. 400grams. Jobs a good’en.

Whats your best selling product line from Burgtec?

Probably the pedals. We’ve always been known for the pedals but the offset bushes go quite well.

And finally…

In 10 years time what will the average trail centre warriors bike look like?

It’ll be a 26” wheeled aluminium trail bike with 120mm travel…
It’s a long way away though! I don’t even know what’s happening tomorrow.

I personally think the majority of the market will be on fully rigid, fat bikes with massive tyres. Everyone takes the mick now but they’ll come round and see that they are the way forward.

Cheers Dave!

Missed our last industry Insight with Tom Wheeler? Check it out here...

Dave Barton Burgtec

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