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Ellicottville Trails

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Ellicottville mountain bike trails in New York State, USA, are some of the finest mountain bike trails on the east coast. Read more

place Ellicottville,



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Ellicottville trails are located an hour south of Buffalo and are some of the finest mountain bike trails on the east coast. Built by mountain bikers, for mountain bikers, and easily accessed from the town.

The climbs are long, steep and plenty. The descents are rocky, rooty and fun. Expect up to 31 miles of tight, rocky, root strewn singletrack and old logging roads.

Over the last four years, this state forest has gone from a pretty good place to ride to one of the best places to ride anywhere. Not just in Western NY, but anywhere. With miles of new singletrack designed by bikers for bikers it is also designed to be sustainable without lots of maintenance, has built in dry areas and plenty of effective drainage designed in.

These new trails are often the driest around for riding when it is wet elsewhere. The trail systems can be broken down into the East McCarty Hill area (Big Merlin), the Mutton Hollow area (Porcupine Trail, Mutton Hollow Trail, Yukon's Lunch), and the newest sections which provide greater connections to Rock City State Forest (Pale Ale Trail, Rim Trail). These trail systems are great and have more than one access point to allow for varied loops. There is way more riding than you can do in a day or two.



Nearest Town: Ellicottville

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Please note: Distance is calculated as air distance or "as the crow flies" the most direct route between two points, so the distance by road maybe slightly longer.

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Last modified: 2009-11-29 21:54:15

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