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Popular Rivington Sights

1 reviews

Popular Rivington Sights, near Horwich is a 9 km mountain bike trail. Read more

place Horwich,


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Trail Reviews Summary

Fun factor
Fun factor 7.0000 out of 10
Trail variety
Trail variety 7.0000 out of 10
Trail quality
Trail quality 7.0000 out of 10
Facilities 7.0000 out of 10
Location 7.0000 out of 10

"worth a pop"
Review by: jord on 4 April 2010

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Start at the car park just past rivington school, take the main path off the carpark. follow the main path down to the castle this is a good flat path ill you get to the castle, when you get to the castle go left and follow it round th the right, if you slow and look to the let you will see a good single track. this follows the edge of the resy for a while and eventually comes out in the woods, follow the path through the woods till you start to climb up to where the new "GO APE" is follow the path across the road all the way up towards rivington barn.

After a few hundred yards theres a dirt track on your right which takes you on a climb through the woods again just keep heading up towards the pike. when you have done this climb the land opens up into the old BELMONT ROAD infront of you will see your at the foot of the hill upto the pike, It's a killer. go up round the path to the pike come back down the other side headed towards the pidgeon tower. when you grt there you can either go through the china gardend for loads of good downhill or if you follow the old road eventually you will find some pretty extreme downhill over really big loose rocks, this leads down to the other carpark for rivington whrer all the dog walkers go. head back up the hill for 1/4 mile and there is a gate on the right hop over it and you have another open single track (be carefull theres a big fence at the bottom)turn left and follow the path back doen to rivington barn then down the road back to "Go Ape" go back round the waters edge path back the castle then on to the car park...there are miles and miles of paths which all look the same so dont get lost and if your in the china gardens look carefully and you will see a few dirt jumps!!



Nearest Town: Horwich

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Last modified: 2009-07-19 23:14:22

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