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Whaley Bridge Pump Track

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Whaley Bridge Pump Track is located in Memorial Park, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire on the edge of the Peak District. Read more

place Whaley bridge, SK23 7DJ



Open - All Clear


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Whaley Bridge Pump Track is located in Memorial Park, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire on the edge of the Peak District.

It's part of a £130,000 investment in the park that led to the opening of a new Skate Park and Pump Track in the summer of 2103.

It has 3 lines that are progressive in nature i.e. a beginner, intermediate and advanced line. The lines then meet up at the end where you hit a large 180-degree berm which returns riders of all lines back to the start of the hill. The track is in a woodland setting and has a natural slope

It features, lines of rollers, jumps, berms, small and large double options. Its pump track design means you can ride the whole track from beginning to the return hill end without having to pedal.



Nearest Town: Whaley bridge
Sat Nav: SK23 7DJ

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Last modified: 2018-11-06 17:39:06

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