Reviews for Verderers' Trail - Forest of Dean

Coleford GL16 7EH


Members Reviews

antop34's profile image

Review by: antop34 on 6 September 2011

Fun factor
Trail variety
Trail quality


I have done this quite a few times now and, when coupled with the red it makes a great after work blast. The final DH is awesome, well thought out berms, jumps and super fast. The trail is already starting to show signs of wear compared to the first time i rode it, but finally to FOD has a good marked trail!

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konastinky888's profile image

Review by: konastinky888 on 30 August 2011

Fun factor
Trail variety
Trail quality

the final section is top notch

wow! i only rode the final section of this but its great fun. its nothing difficult but its a really good smooth track with loads of berms and bumps like a pump track. it was a really nice unexpected change from the rough and rooty dh tracks and i really enjoyed riding it.

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wythall1's profile image

Review by: wythall1 on 28 August 2011

Fun factor
Trail variety
Trail quality

It'll put a grin on your face for sure!

This is what the FoD needed!
The trail flows nicely, although you ride the first half a mile so thinking it could be a let better, but as you go on, it gets better and better and as you reach the highest point, there is only one conclusion to come to... its now down hill all the way!!!
When you reach the very bottom, there is only one thing to do, that is clinb the steep fire road and do that last section again.

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OllyJ's profile image

Review by: OllyJ on 26 August 2011

Fun factor
Trail variety
Trail quality

Fast, fun and flowy

This is a truly fantastic bit of trail building! It manages to make the absolute most out of a relatively small area of forest with some nice climbs, and fantastic descents! The level of technicality is down to the rider as well which is nice, and it feels good on hardtails and rigids as well as full sussers. If you want to go on a two lap power training ride, its not too technical on the descents, but the climbs are easy to loop and do again and again! If you want a chilled fun loop, thats ok too, the descent sections take little effort to nip back up the nearest fireroad and do again. Its all rideable saddle up, but if you want, you can saddle down and there are plenty of jumps and berms to get loose on! Awesome to see a trail thats so adaptable to the mood of your ride, often you are stuck in the rhythm that the trailbuilder set, but not here!

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