Reviews for North Face Trail

Hawkshead LA22 0QJ


Members Reviews

neptar's profile image

Review by: neptar on 1 September 2008

Fun factor
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Trail quality

Best starting from visitor centre

This was my first ever trail!!! I decided to get a mountain bike as I liked the look of some trails arround the country and it seemd a fun way to get fit. I started from visitor centre, and it had been pouring down just before I got there.
As a novice i put a fair few layers on, set off up a wide track that was going uphill realtivley steep. Then I got to some singletrack uphill stuff. That was a quite nasty of the thighes for me. This is wear I learnt my lesson of not wearing too many layers. I made it through the singletrack stuff and then onto the wider path with more uphill. But I was losing so much fluid from sweat. Stripped to a football shirt I carried and it helped loads.
After climbing for ages, I finally got a taste of some descent, on wide gravel track. Seemed a bit dangerous but carried on. Got to some boardwalk and quite enjoyed it. But then after a bit more climbing again I got to some decent singletrack that I could get some speed through. I enjoyed this quite a bit. It seemed to get better as the trail went aswell. With one part have a clean track with hardly any stones at all, and some banked corners. My confidence level was rising and I was actually getting some decent speed. I got the other start area, and continued across the last stint which was quite enjoyable and could be done at some speed. It seemed a good end to the ride and I think it would be strange doing that part, and the big hill climbs just after it, it seems to make more sense to be the last stint.... Overall had a great day and it has encouraged me to continue and do more!!

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cakesie's profile image

Review by: cakesie on 29 August 2008

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Trail quality

Great single track, not much technical

Rode the NFT today as a farewell to my modified Kraken hardtail. Having done this trail once before I kind of knew what to expect but i'd forgotten how good the singletrack bits were. The climb from the visitors centre is a nice steady grade and not too rough. The Northshore sections weren't slippy at all, which was nice. The best section is the drop from High Cross back to the visitor centre which has somereally nice flowing singletrack and some interesting rock sections to keep you on your toes! Could do with some more jumps though.

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rowan's profile image

Review by: rowan on 6 April 2008

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Trail quality

i loved it!

well i was forced to go on it by my bro, i thought i was going to hate it but it was really good! theres no jumps or anything witch i could probly not do anyway, but its worth a go if your in the area!!

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Hoppy's profile image

Review by: Hoppy on 13 September 2007

Fun factor
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Trail quality

Short and sweat

I went here under the impression that it wasn't much cop, so my expectations were low. It's nowhere near being in the Dalby Forest league, but as it turns out I enjoyed it. It's quite short, so to make a day of it you would have to ride it more than once or work out an extended ride. It is just flowing singletrack with quite alot of northshore sections. What's been built is good, but every manmade bit was all very much the same and there are no obstacles to test your nerve other than one or two very small drop offs. what it does have going for it tho, you can absolutely blast along the singletrack doing little jumps and testing your cornering skills.

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sin71's profile image

Review by: sin71 on 15 March 2007

Fun factor
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Trail quality

Good but not quite right

I've been riding the North Face since it opened and was fairly impressed with it to begin with. However it seriously needs some work doing on it these days as it is eroding very badly in places.

Personally I think it could do with a few more air opportunities and some black sections adding to make it a bit more of an experience and not just another ride.

On the whole it’s still an enjoyable ride but there is so much potential for it to be better as a stand alone route. Good job there are so many other bridleways that can be linked with it to make for a much longer day out.

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