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Login/Sign UpWe are back! As the first World Cup in Lousa, Portugal awaits us in a months time, it's about time to kick off the hype! Fast Life is back.
Follow Kate Coutney, Loïc Bruni and Finn Iles through the first races of the most competitive MTB disciplines – where off-season training and willpower will be put to the absolute test as they take on the 2019 UCI Downhill and Cross-Country Mountain Biking World Cup.
Over the course of the past 2 season, Fast Life has combined the best on course action with unparalleled mountain bike athlete access, unique racing insights, snappy dialogue and killer music into a winning formula. Bottom line, you only have to check out Fast Life once to know that it’s the most relevant, sexiest, most adorable World Cup web series on the planet.
Credit: Red Bull Bike