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ckflip said on 6 February 2008
Great action shot but a bit blurry. How did the landing go?
Louis said on 6 February 2008
the landing was sweet.this was wen i was jus learning how to 180 . yh i no this shot was on a fone so not a very good pic thanks
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tr1ck said on 8 February 2008
thats fully comitted
fatboy30 said on 13 February 2008
Well nice the old 360s aint easy and seem to hurt more when you fu@k up. Get a better camera!
dirt jumping ginger said on 23 February 2008
good pic, 180s can be tricky to learn on 26", took me a while
downhilldude15 said on 9 March 2008
180's a quite hard on a 26"er
ckflip said on 6 February 2008
Great action shot but a bit blurry. How did the landing go?
Louis said on 6 February 2008
the landing was sweet.this was wen i was jus learning how to 180 .
yh i no this shot was on a fone so not a very good pic
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tr1ck said on 8 February 2008
thats fully comitted
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fatboy30 said on 13 February 2008
Well nice the old 360s aint easy and seem to hurt more when you fu@k up. Get a better camera!
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dirt jumping ginger said on 23 February 2008
good pic, 180s can be tricky to learn on 26", took me a while
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downhilldude15 said on 9 March 2008
180's a quite hard on a 26"er
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