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bmxjosh92 said on 28 September 2010
is that an ibanez jem or a copy, wow with a locking nut and a floyd rose tremerlo if it's a copy where you get it from? am jealous
Linderoff said on 15 October 2010
its and ibanez jem copy and my dad got it from ebay and im selling for 100
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MountainBikerChris said on 14 October 2010
How much you pay for that?? i didnt know you played guitar, so do i!! I have an aria pro 2. Il have to get a pic up.
bmxjosh92 said on 28 September 2010
is that an ibanez jem or a copy, wow with a locking nut and a floyd rose tremerlo if it's a copy where you get it from? am jealous
Linderoff said on 15 October 2010
its and ibanez jem copy and my dad got it from ebay and im selling for 100
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MountainBikerChris said on 14 October 2010
How much you pay for that?? i didnt know you played guitar, so do i!!
I have an aria pro 2. Il have to get a pic up.
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