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Welshiebmx said on 19 January 2010
Thats well good how long did it take yo u to make them
raaaaaaaaaa21 said on 25 August 2010
about 2 hrs mate, scrap timber from work + spare time = fun.... my mrs not so happy
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nookie said on 21 January 2010
So do intend to move the ramp or jump the wall? ;)
Matt Brown said on 15 March 2010
lol, i hope he tries to jump the wall tbh
not enough run up 4 the wall, i did aim it in the middle of the road off my drive without the landing ramp, SLAM!
Ride To The Hills said on 11 March 2010
sick mate how long it take u to make?
couple hours mate, with i'd made it steeper now. next stop wood shop and make a bigger better one
Welshiebmx said on 19 January 2010
Thats well good how long did it take yo u to make them
raaaaaaaaaa21 said on 25 August 2010
about 2 hrs mate, scrap timber from work + spare time = fun.... my mrs not so happy
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nookie said on 21 January 2010
So do intend to move the ramp or jump the wall?
Matt Brown said on 15 March 2010
lol, i hope he tries to jump the wall tbh
raaaaaaaaaa21 said on 25 August 2010
not enough run up 4 the wall, i did aim it in the middle of the road off my drive without the landing ramp, SLAM!
raaaaaaaaaa21 said on 25 August 2010
not enough run up 4 the wall, i did aim it in the middle of the road off my drive without the landing ramp, SLAM!
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Ride To The Hills said on 11 March 2010
sick mate how long it take u to make?
raaaaaaaaaa21 said on 25 August 2010
couple hours mate, with i'd made it steeper now. next stop wood shop and make a bigger better one
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