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MtbDan1 said on 20 December 2011
Nice, different
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thebrown83 said on 3 November 2011
Crazy frame!! Looks as though it can take some proper punishment!!Ha
arrand89 said on 12 October 2011
that bike is awesome!
FreerideJon said on 28 February 2011
Nice bike man. (y)
yelyayan1976 said on 4 January 2011
Very rare old school looking DH bike....Excellent colour combination!
hh101 said on 13 December 2010
Beast! Nice build, you've got some proper burly stuff on there. Bet it just takes anything you can throw at it with no worries what so ever.
joshgregory said on 5 July 2010
Nice bike, plz rate my GT
DeanDouglas94 said on 17 April 2010
This is a sick ride rate my ride http://www.moredirt.com/ratebike.php?id=21128
kai said on 11 April 2010
nice. never seen a bike looking like that before. rate my kona please when u get time.
mtbstuffman said on 31 March 2010
brilliant. Looks quite old what year is it ? but it looks gnarly
euxodusmtb said on 31 January 2010
Looks nice, but some triple clamps up front finish it better
__Scott____ said on 16 December 2009
that is class,rate mine,cheers
salarsatti123 said on 2 November 2009
hell yea, looks good ;) saw one of these on ebay, and i wanted to buy it =P but i didnt have any money lol
sophie t said on 30 October 2009
not a fan ov them buh still its nicee :) lovin those rims tho. rate my ride?
Aggression said on 12 October 2009
That propa dappa, looks pricey though, never heard of em before
Jonofthejungle said on 6 August 2009
Looks cool man! Chunky as my Saracen, only looks better!
tristan_pbk3m said on 11 June 2009
looks alright, not bad
Wooyek said on 1 February 2009
Balfa rules ;) This frame is timeless. Does your Roco's piggyback hit linkage elements? BTW. www.balfa.wooyek.pl
Aik replied... on 27 January 2010
they did, but i filed down some of the linkage to let it pass through.
24seven dh said on 28 November 2008
realy nice
kevinr08 said on 18 August 2008
v10-893 said on 2 August 2008
i love those bikes a bit heavy thou
BLAKEYRTTS said on 23 July 2008
look's the nut'z mate
bikerboywill said on 7 July 2008
pure sex! how are the deemax's casue i want some but i have herd bad things about them?
jake00d said on 23 June 2008
wow, what is that?
Aik replied... on 25 June 2008
It's a Balfa BB7, a canadian frame. 9" of travel via a roco wc, and single pivot. Don't have it anymore, sold the frame and bought a santa cruz vp-free, then sold that whole bike and built up a santa cruz blur 4x.
dannyd said on 5 June 2008
nice ride buddy, balfa's are lush. what is it like to ride?
Col Dax said on 14 May 2008
Up there with the best of them! should be higher in the chart
jackybo123 said on 18 April 2008
i think these bikes are soooooooooooooo dam nice!!! rate mine
biker_chris said on 10 April 2008
Nice Frame Not quite sure on the colour matching.
Aik said on 3 April 2008
I've just sold it! I now own an 07 vp-free, pics of that will be up soon.
johnny-likes-dh said on 3 April 2008
i heard that lots of people are lookin for one..... *sweet*
almostwise said on 31 March 2008
ugly ugly ugly bike. but it rides soooooooo well.
chance275 said on 10 March 2008
never seen 1 of those in mi life ...but does look pritty cool nice1 m8
marquis said on 5 March 2008
never been a big fan but nice.
danny93 said on 4 March 2008
nice never seen 1 ov them b4 it looks mint mate. nice rims. mint chain gaide nice fork please rate my bike
kona11rider said on 4 March 2008
looks awesome
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MtbDan1 said on 20 December 2011
Nice, different
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thebrown83 said on 3 November 2011
Crazy frame!! Looks as though it can take some proper punishment!!Ha
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arrand89 said on 12 October 2011
that bike is awesome!
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FreerideJon said on 28 February 2011
Nice bike man. (y)
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yelyayan1976 said on 4 January 2011
Very rare old school looking DH bike....Excellent colour combination!
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hh101 said on 13 December 2010
Beast! Nice build, you've got some proper burly stuff on there. Bet it just takes anything you can throw at it with no worries what so ever.
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joshgregory said on 5 July 2010
Nice bike, plz rate my GT
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DeanDouglas94 said on 17 April 2010
This is a sick ride
rate my ride http://www.moredirt.com/ratebike.php?id=21128
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kai said on 11 April 2010
nice. never seen a bike looking like that before. rate my kona please when u get time.
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mtbstuffman said on 31 March 2010
brilliant. Looks quite old what year is it ? but it looks gnarly
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euxodusmtb said on 31 January 2010
Looks nice, but some triple clamps up front finish it better
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__Scott____ said on 16 December 2009
that is class,rate mine,cheers
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salarsatti123 said on 2 November 2009
hell yea, looks good ;) saw one of these on ebay, and i wanted to buy it =P but i didnt have any money lol
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sophie t said on 30 October 2009
not a fan ov them buh still its nicee :)
lovin those rims tho.
rate my ride?
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Aggression said on 12 October 2009
That propa dappa, looks pricey though, never heard of em before
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Jonofthejungle said on 6 August 2009
Looks cool man!
Chunky as my Saracen, only looks better!
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tristan_pbk3m said on 11 June 2009
looks alright, not bad
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Wooyek said on 1 February 2009
Balfa rules ;) This frame is timeless. Does your Roco's piggyback hit linkage elements?
BTW. www.balfa.wooyek.pl
Aik replied... on 27 January 2010
they did, but i filed down some of the linkage to let it pass through.
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24seven dh said on 28 November 2008
realy nice
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kevinr08 said on 18 August 2008
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v10-893 said on 2 August 2008
i love those bikes a bit heavy thou
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BLAKEYRTTS said on 23 July 2008
look's the nut'z mate
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bikerboywill said on 7 July 2008
pure sex!
how are the deemax's casue i want some but i have herd bad things about them?
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jake00d said on 23 June 2008
wow, what is that?
Aik replied... on 25 June 2008
It's a Balfa BB7, a canadian frame. 9" of travel via a roco wc, and single pivot.
Don't have it anymore, sold the frame and bought a santa cruz vp-free, then sold that whole bike and built up a santa cruz blur 4x.
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dannyd said on 5 June 2008
nice ride buddy,
balfa's are lush.
what is it like to ride?
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Col Dax said on 14 May 2008
Up there with the best of them! should be higher in the chart
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jackybo123 said on 18 April 2008
i think these bikes are soooooooooooooo dam nice!!!
rate mine
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biker_chris said on 10 April 2008
Nice Frame Not quite sure on the colour matching.
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Aik said on 3 April 2008
I've just sold it!
I now own an 07 vp-free, pics of that will be up soon.
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johnny-likes-dh said on 3 April 2008
i heard that lots of people
are lookin for one..... *sweet*
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almostwise said on 31 March 2008
ugly ugly ugly bike. but it rides soooooooo well.
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chance275 said on 10 March 2008
never seen 1 of those in mi life ...but does look pritty cool nice1 m8
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marquis said on 5 March 2008
never been a big fan but nice.
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danny93 said on 4 March 2008
nice never seen 1 ov them b4 it looks mint mate.
nice rims.
mint chain gaide
nice fork
please rate my bike
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kona11rider said on 4 March 2008
looks awesome
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