Boss - Stomper
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Boss - Stomper

Dirt Jump / Street

Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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Jayracer's profile image

Jayracer said on 5 February 2012

ha i started crying for you when i saw this

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steve39's profile image

steve39 said on 16 November 2011

i would like to say the bike is a 0, but i can't so its a 1.

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specialee's profile image

specialee said on 16 November 2011

Usually these bikes come with a sticker warning not to jump or stunt on them.....not the best quality....i understand that having kids etc and responsibilities means not much cash but a second hand more sturdy bike may have been the better option.

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C3H8's profile image

C3H8 said on 3 October 2011

"halfords own brand so its not all bad!!"

Apollo & Carrera bikes seriously kill this.

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aimeewoody93's profile image

aimeewoody93 said on 20 August 2011

it's alright, wouldn't want to chance taking it on a dh trail tho, could end badly

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skubakat's profile image

skubakat said on 18 June 2011

cant under stand why people would comment telling you how crap your bike is as long as it serves its purpose aint that what counts ill give it a ten cos it loks like it will serve its purpose

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mossy84's profile image

mossy84 said on 6 May 2011

id ride it to the shop :)

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AngryHobbit's profile image

AngryHobbit said on 24 March 2011

Looks great for the price!

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crockett247's profile image

crockett247 said on 23 February 2011

Haha, nice! Nobody has noticed or mentioned that this bike seems to be standing up on its own? Maybe thats something that the Boss Stomper has over expensive bikes!

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Niall Mc Cullough's profile image

Niall Mc Cullough said on 7 February 2011

Looks good and i had a cheap raleigh for about 4 years and it stood up to everything i could throw at it i just dont have it because it was stolen i loved the bike

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Baron Chamber's profile image

Baron Chamber said on 11 January 2011

Just for having the balls for putting it on here.....

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MATTYKOP12389's profile image

MATTYKOP12389 said on 23 June 2010

Ripped off m8 u can get a specialised p1 on ebay 4 £250

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dEaKo's profile image

dEaKo said on 18 June 2010

I dont know what to say, i dont want to be rude. As long as you're pleased with it mate that's all that matters.

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bamcky2k26's profile image

bamcky2k26 said on 13 May 2010

not bad looking and it gets you out in the woods i guess...but £250?? i got a giant atx one dh with boxxer forks on ebay for £310 and my kona stab-which is on moredirt-only set me back £240 plus £45 on a service to get it up and running smooth, again from can get so much more better bikes for that cash.

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Goober's profile image

Goober said on 4 May 2010

looks nice but doesn't look beefy enough to do anything serious on it though

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maximoo2's profile image

maximoo2 said on 9 March 2010

Sweet Bike Dude! :) Rate My Specialized Please??

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db Beta's profile image

db Beta said on 7 January 2010

nice background, how u get it to stand up by itself?

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rockinrowley123's profile image

rockinrowley123 said on 25 September 2009

nice looking but i bet its heavy ? rate mine

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waleszfinest's profile image

waleszfinest said on 25 August 2009

Okay for a little ride in the woods.
But ?250 you got ripped off you could of got a much better bike second hand for that.

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Jonofthejungle's profile image

Jonofthejungle said on 22 July 2009

It looks really cheap and a bit dodgy at the welding points,
could possibly do well after a few upgrades!

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Bushie's profile image

Bushie said on 21 July 2009

nice landscape photo

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Jonez's profile image

Jonez said on 16 July 2009

nice tesco bike not
so ugly lower the seat
take of the reflectors and it would have been a 2
you missed out man!

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tristan_pbk3m's profile image

tristan_pbk3m said on 10 July 2009

get a real bike

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bossstomper_2's profile image

bossstomper_2 said on 7 July 2009

fantastic brilliant bike lol

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kipmtb12345's profile image

kipmtb12345 said on 28 May 2009

i aam giving you a 10 .... beacuse every one is slagging it of when its not that bad . I bought somthing like this in canda look on my rides and go on the silver one it is the same as this but like an xc frame it also has discs and triple clamp forks but mine has shifters and nice soft grips oh and i payed around 300 dollars wich is 150 pound in canadian exchange .

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rolly's profile image

rolly said on 1 April 2009

ill give it a 5 just because it aint my sort of thing but i started with a £250 x05 then got a sarecen xcess and now ive got a carrera banchee 08! youll get there ive got two kids a mortgage and a new car it all take time to get these things mate dont sweat it! laters!

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owenthemtbr's profile image

owenthemtbr said on 30 March 2009

WOW a bike worse than mine for the same price
get new forks mine r crappy 120mm forks but still better than that

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kalom's profile image

kalom said on 16 March 2009

could off got a diamond back bandito for that

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Trek Troy Hardy's profile image

Trek Troy Hardy said on 20 February 2009

I have a little fat boy who lives down my street and he rides one of these, ive riden it and its crap the brake pads where down after a week but hey we all have to start sumwhere, the frames ok, the rest is crap though major money spending needed.

Rate mine,


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wadoryu's profile image

wadoryu said on 30 January 2009

stock photo

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andy3r3's profile image

andy3r3 said on 30 September 2008

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muzzler replied... on 6 January 2009

These people do know what they are talking about.

andy3r3 replied... on 30 September 2008

ive seen this bike with gordo trimple clamp forks, its acculy better wiht the zoom ones btw lol work beter for sum reaosn..

andy3r3 replied... on 30 September 2008

haha same coulor picture as mien btw :D same bike in total acucly.. lol

andy3r3 replied... on 30 September 2008

i mean its and the last words init.. sorry lol im at school not menna be on this but im bored done my work so nothing better to do...

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Downhillrobo's profile image

Downhillrobo said on 17 September 2008

i have this bike but in the blue and i think its good but i only use it for dossing i have a giant freeride for the serius stuff lol

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freeride22's profile image

freeride22 said on 31 August 2008

gripshift bad very

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alexrowling's profile image

alexrowling said on 8 August 2008

y even put it on moredirt lol

it looks cheapy, it doesnt look gd, its not a gd bike

andy3r3 replied... on 30 September 2008

so if you can tell me where u can get a triple clamp suspension fork, double diskbrakes, aluminum frame bike, wiht fat off tires!and 21 speed shamuo gears from for £150 tell me lol

andy3r3 replied... on 30 September 2008

accully i got it for £150 its acucly really good only thing bad about it is its crank when it has its moments on me but i propley put too much pressure on the pedals anyway lol

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curtS25's profile image

curtS25 said on 28 July 2008

well at least it will last a week

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downhilldude15's profile image

downhilldude15 said on 6 April 2008

its not the best bike. but its better than my old raleigh that i used to dirt jump on lol. rate my bikes

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JayKel's profile image

JayKel said on 5 April 2008

looks like a nice run around, but i would consider upgrading your ride, not to the best but better things , start with simple thingas like pedals,grips handle bars seat , then major things fork wheels and breaks

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norco-rider-2203's profile image

norco-rider-2203 said on 4 April 2008

thats not worth £250

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razza94's profile image

razza94 said on 20 March 2008

rele man u aint gonna get nowere wd tht except family trails n all tht n if u try do a jump its probz of to the hospital wid u m8 sory but i gotta giv it a 1/10

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jam3983's profile image

jam3983 said on 19 March 2008

a hard tail with triple clamps doesnt really work as the whole point of a hardtail is to be light, you could have got an 07 carrera vulcan for £180 with a much much better spec

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dirtjumpmonkey's profile image

dirtjumpmonkey said on 18 March 2008

soory mate i am not with u on this one becuause they have tried to make a crap bike better and it just aint

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Daisy's profile image

Daisy said on 18 March 2008

ok for famly trail riding, but as gaz1979 says you have to start replacing components and could be quite dangerous

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kona11rider's profile image

kona11rider said on 18 March 2008


mega_waster replied... on 31 August 2008

Try not to take all this too seriously mate. You seem to have a bike that looks the dogs bollocks to the untrained eye. I'm seeing a lot of stuff like this around the streets. Bikes that look like they could eat up a DH run at a glance but look a little closer and you find it's all just for show. The important thing is that you get out there and enjoy riding. Rate My Ride can be a bit cut throat. Check out the community/forum tab and you might get a bit more love.

boss_stomper replied... on 18 March 2008

thank you for the 7/10 you must have pressed the wrong number.....when i joined this web forum i thought it was an online "community" but it seems its an "online slag the poor guys bike off ity"

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gaz1979's profile image

gaz1979 said on 17 March 2008

I'm sure you love it but i'm afraid you'll be upgrading all the time with any bikes at this price (plastic everthing etc). Is a good place to start but you'd be better off buying a second or third hand bike on ebay. The frame looks ok so you may want to just upgrade the forks, then bars, brakes, gears, pedals, wheels etc.

0123456789 replied... on 11 October 2009

gaz1979 what are these ways you talk about of getting decentbikes for little cash lol i need to noooooooo ??????? i want a new frame and crank p.s. (2 brats and a megggger mortgage) tell me tell me

boss_stomper replied... on 18 March 2008

i forgot about the carera i meant the apollo bikes when i said that

boss_stomper replied... on 18 March 2008

wait till u have 3 kids under 7 then go buy a new bike

gaz1979 replied... on 18 March 2008

i have a baby and a killer mortgage too but there are ways of getting decent bikes for little cash. Also the halfords own brand carrera are superb. Cant fault them and well worth the money. Maybe an idea for you.

boss_stomper replied... on 17 March 2008

i do know a little bit about bikes, before i had kids i had a gt, alpine star, claud butler, saracen... these days with 3 kids and a large mortgage its all i could manage..but for 3 hours a week it will do and its not a halfords own brand so its not all bad!!

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jeron's profile image

jeron said on 17 March 2008

Ohhh, Boss forks, SCHWEEET! :P

MikeyB replied... on 19 March 2008

lol yeah the first bit is right, but its 100 quid a month, i work as a bike machanic, so i know these bikes r poo because we always get people in with crap like that, that dosent work.

boss_stomper replied... on 18 March 2008

take it you still live with mummy and daddy then and pay £3 a week board

MikeyB replied... on 18 March 2008


boss_stomper replied... on 17 March 2008

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MikeyB replied... on 17 March 2008

you got ripped off mate

boss_stomper replied... on 17 March 2008

made by zoom......its a 250 quid bike ffs i use for the woods on a sunday!!

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MikeyB's profile image

MikeyB said on 17 March 2008


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boss_stomper's profile image

boss_stomper said on 17 March 2008


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