specialized - rockhopper expert
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specialized - rockhopper expert


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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pest said on 31 October 2009

i dont just hand out 10s like its fricken trick or treat amigo but your bike looks like a real trail slayer.boo!

gpashton replied... on 2 November 2009

thanx for big up!
12 weeks ago I hit 2 very stupid sheep at 45mph,i came of worse and since no helmet at the time and on my own woz V lucky!
double skull fracture,damaged ear drum,smashed thumb,blind in 1 eye(for an hour) and a week in hospital.Happy days!!
.The thumb dont bend like it used ,still suffer from dizziness and have a huge scar after the 21 stictches in my bonce
started riding again 3 weeks ago,struggle with the thumb but you gotta just crack on with it.
The bike came off ok, apart from a new back wheel its fine...Them Specialized are solid!!

pest replied... on 1 November 2009

what happened to your noggin?

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