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poko299 said on 15 November 2011
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uncle101 said on 18 October 2011
get some good forks will make it awsome ?
Rustyballs1234 said on 15 August 2011
bit of a beast! nice one!
yelyayan1976 said on 12 July 2011
Nice rig dude...like the white frame & white wheel set
No1 Mtbiker said on 1 May 2011
born2bike said on 29 January 2011
sweet bike!
jim2415 said on 24 December 2010
should put some triple crowns on it
l2wto said on 2 December 2010
nice bake mate, ava look at mine
nathan83 said on 27 June 2010
that is a sick ride mate, thumbs up, rate mine cheers
spinxy said on 23 March 2010
nice bike mate. looks awesome. 10/10 pls rate mine
AlexDavison said on 16 February 2010
Thumbs up, but change tha forks
justy75 said on 30 January 2010
Nearly bought one of these - like it a lot. Trying to get some opinions on my GT - would appreciate if you could rate mine as its feeling lonely! http://www.moredirt.com/ratebike.php?id=17123 Cheers
dirtjumper4lyf said on 29 January 2010
luuusssshhhhhhhhhh rate mi bikes
salarsatti123 said on 21 December 2009
VANZEL said on 13 November 2009
This is a superb bike
Aggression said on 11 October 2009
wow i love it
Neodek said on 6 September 2009
Awesome bike!
Decker10 said on 19 August 2009
10 D3F0, TH4T5 S3XY B1K3!!!
burge0114 said on 10 July 2009
Beautiful m8. any upgrades? to that it needs em :)
burge0114 replied... on 10 July 2009
Thats NOT that it needs em
scott ransom 10 said on 6 July 2009
Love it, need to change them forks!
TonyJacobs said on 20 February 2009
mint bike but they look more impresive with triple clamps on
josh wigz said on 20 February 2009
sweeet! need triple crowns though
nojzilla said on 7 January 2009
way nicer than my octane! i'm thinkin of swappin my boxxers for some freeride forx, this has convinced me!
merlynismint said on 14 November 2008
cool bike but need better forks
wazzer987 said on 25 August 2008
Wow a saddle with a built in air freshener, does it not get in the way when you sit down? lol Nice bike tho mate you must get some interest at your local woods. Def a 10
StuPot said on 22 August 2008
An Absolutely Mintedd Ride Btw Mate Deserves The 10 Rate My Stinky Please
konakid said on 18 July 2008
nice u got a mrp crank.
Riding_addiction said on 9 July 2008
Mint bike for DH but in XC section? I would like to ride this XC....
llifonllanrug said on 1 July 2008
the froks are letting it down
mmmmm...bikes said on 7 May 2008
lush bike but i dont think that i should really be in the cross country part
jamiewire replied... on 7 May 2008
i didnt list it as cross country moredirt decided to do that
bloody tomato said on 17 April 2008
to much going on with the freme and the forks realy donmt suit such a massive frame
jamiewire replied... on 18 April 2008
ouch that hurt i think most people would agree thats pretty harsh?
stickman said on 16 April 2008
very nice, like a lot!
jumpingmansam said on 14 April 2008
great paint job frame looks fat and the wheels are lush jst white forks and ur sorted but thats jst my opinion
Stug said on 13 April 2008
Yeah it's a beauty but those Manitou's are letting the side down
bikerboywill said on 13 April 2008
love it but the manitous let it down i have the nitrous and they ride soo well :D
jamiewire replied... on 13 April 2008
i know but just got my hands on a set of 2008 marzocchi 66s so keep an eye out for a new pic when they are fitted, octanes are superb bikes.
munk said on 13 April 2008
A lovely bike, but I think it's miscatagorised... it doesn't look very XC to me, for dh. Anyway, picking faults would be pointless so have a 10
i listed it as a dh bike its the guys at moredirt that have some reason changed it. but thanks dude.
bakertron said on 12 April 2008
the bikes nice but the forks dont sute the bike
eddiethedirtjumper182 said on 12 April 2008
tht is sooooo nice!!!!
jamiewire said on 12 April 2008
well it is my bike and it rides sweet!!
poko299 replied... on 15 November 2011
are they halo rims? and if they are how strong are they? :)
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poko299 said on 15 November 2011
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uncle101 said on 18 October 2011
get some good forks will make it awsome ?
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Rustyballs1234 said on 15 August 2011
bit of a beast! nice one!
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yelyayan1976 said on 12 July 2011
Nice rig dude...like the white frame & white wheel set
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No1 Mtbiker said on 1 May 2011
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born2bike said on 29 January 2011
sweet bike!
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jim2415 said on 24 December 2010
should put some triple crowns on it
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l2wto said on 2 December 2010
nice bake mate, ava look at mine
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nathan83 said on 27 June 2010
that is a sick ride mate, thumbs up, rate mine cheers
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spinxy said on 23 March 2010
nice bike mate. looks awesome. 10/10 pls rate mine
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AlexDavison said on 16 February 2010
Thumbs up, but change tha forks
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justy75 said on 30 January 2010
Nearly bought one of these - like it a lot.
Trying to get some opinions on my GT - would appreciate if you could rate mine as its feeling lonely!
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dirtjumper4lyf said on 29 January 2010
rate mi bikes
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salarsatti123 said on 21 December 2009
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VANZEL said on 13 November 2009
This is a superb bike
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Aggression said on 11 October 2009
wow i love it
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Neodek said on 6 September 2009
Awesome bike!
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Decker10 said on 19 August 2009
10 D3F0, TH4T5 S3XY B1K3!!!
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burge0114 said on 10 July 2009
Beautiful m8. any upgrades? to that it needs em :)
burge0114 replied... on 10 July 2009
Thats NOT that it needs em
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scott ransom 10 said on 6 July 2009
Love it, need to change them forks!
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TonyJacobs said on 20 February 2009
mint bike but they look more impresive with triple clamps on
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josh wigz said on 20 February 2009
sweeet! need triple crowns though
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nojzilla said on 7 January 2009
way nicer than my octane! i'm thinkin of swappin my boxxers for some freeride forx, this has convinced me!
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merlynismint said on 14 November 2008
cool bike but need better forks
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wazzer987 said on 25 August 2008
Wow a saddle with a built in air freshener, does it not get in the way when you sit down? lol
Nice bike tho mate you must get some interest at your local woods. Def a 10
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StuPot said on 22 August 2008
An Absolutely Mintedd Ride Btw Mate
Deserves The 10
Rate My Stinky Please
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konakid said on 18 July 2008
nice u got a mrp crank.
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Riding_addiction said on 9 July 2008
Mint bike for DH but in XC section?
I would like to ride this XC....
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llifonllanrug said on 1 July 2008
the froks are letting it down
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mmmmm...bikes said on 7 May 2008
lush bike but i dont think that i should really be in the cross country part
jamiewire replied... on 7 May 2008
i didnt list it as cross country moredirt decided to do that
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bloody tomato said on 17 April 2008
to much going on with the freme and the forks realy donmt suit such a massive frame
jamiewire replied... on 18 April 2008
ouch that hurt i think most people would agree thats pretty harsh?
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stickman said on 16 April 2008
very nice, like a lot!
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jumpingmansam said on 14 April 2008
great paint job frame looks fat and the wheels are lush jst white forks and ur sorted but thats jst my opinion
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Stug said on 13 April 2008
Yeah it's a beauty but those Manitou's are letting the side down
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bikerboywill said on 13 April 2008
love it but the manitous let it down
i have the nitrous and they ride soo well :D
jamiewire replied... on 13 April 2008
i know but just got my hands on a set of 2008 marzocchi 66s so keep an eye out for a new pic when they are fitted, octanes are superb bikes.
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munk said on 13 April 2008
A lovely bike, but I think it's miscatagorised... it doesn't look very XC to me, for dh.
Anyway, picking faults would be pointless so have a 10
jamiewire replied... on 13 April 2008
i listed it as a dh bike its the guys at moredirt that have some reason changed it. but thanks dude.
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bakertron said on 12 April 2008
the bikes nice but the forks dont sute the bike
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eddiethedirtjumper182 said on 12 April 2008
tht is sooooo nice!!!!
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jamiewire said on 12 April 2008
well it is my bike and it rides sweet!!
poko299 replied... on 15 November 2011
are they halo rims? and if they are how strong are they? :)
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