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RyanHames said on 15 April 2011
Nice bike man! Frame looks really nice, and it looks really sterdy. If I was being really picky, I would update the forks, but other than that, this is an awesome bike ! :)
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mrjackhill said on 21 April 2010
Not bad, not great.
o0Monkey Mark0o said on 31 December 2009
it looks like its just been dumped there lol :] nice bike thou
ScottishMTBRider said on 4 December 2009
Heap of rubbish. I don't like it.
Jonofthejungle said on 24 October 2009
Looks pretty sturdy. Need to cut the weed back on those jumps tho!
BmX jAmie said on 30 May 2009
looks like some sweet jumps where are they
p.2rider said on 4 December 2008
u shod get rid of the chan gurd and the forks
BmX jAmie replied... on 30 May 2009
then what is he gonna ride with no forks to put a wheel on
sykesy10 said on 22 August 2008
Not a bad bike
gavo2k7ere said on 8 May 2008
nice bike m8 cheers for rating my bike =]
bikerboywill said on 6 May 2008
love the wheels but not sure on the chain guide
mongoose jumper said on 5 May 2008
nice need better pic tho cant realy see the bike rate mine plz
tom1 said on 20 April 2008
gotta be a 10 coz its mine, an i can't brake it!
eddiethedirtjumper182 said on 18 April 2008
not bad.......
skinheadjc said on 18 April 2008
you need to sort out the setup the roox chain device - other than that nice (what ever happend to Jamie Tomkins?).
stickman said on 18 April 2008
sick, never saw a bike like that before, aewsome!
jumpingmansam said on 17 April 2008
looks tough and nice to ride. id update the forks though
tom1 replied... on 18 April 2008
cheers, looking at putting some argyles on it gotta get more money though!
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RyanHames said on 15 April 2011
Nice bike man! Frame looks really nice, and it looks really sterdy. If I was being really picky, I would update the forks, but other than that, this is an awesome bike ! :)
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mrjackhill said on 21 April 2010
Not bad, not great.
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o0Monkey Mark0o said on 31 December 2009
it looks like its just been dumped there lol :]
nice bike thou
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ScottishMTBRider said on 4 December 2009
Heap of rubbish. I don't like it.
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Jonofthejungle said on 24 October 2009
Looks pretty sturdy.
Need to cut the weed back on those jumps tho!
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BmX jAmie said on 30 May 2009
looks like some sweet jumps where are they
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p.2rider said on 4 December 2008
u shod get rid of the chan gurd and the forks
BmX jAmie replied... on 30 May 2009
then what is he gonna ride with no forks to put a wheel on
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sykesy10 said on 22 August 2008
Not a bad bike
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gavo2k7ere said on 8 May 2008
nice bike m8 cheers for rating my bike =]
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bikerboywill said on 6 May 2008
love the wheels but not sure on the chain guide
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mongoose jumper said on 5 May 2008
need better pic tho cant realy see the bike
rate mine plz
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tom1 said on 20 April 2008
gotta be a 10 coz its mine, an i can't brake it!
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eddiethedirtjumper182 said on 18 April 2008
not bad.......
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skinheadjc said on 18 April 2008
you need to sort out the setup the roox chain device - other than that nice (what ever happend to Jamie Tomkins?).
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stickman said on 18 April 2008
sick, never saw a bike like that before, aewsome!
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jumpingmansam said on 17 April 2008
looks tough and nice to ride. id update the forks though
tom1 replied... on 18 April 2008
cheers, looking at putting some argyles on it
gotta get more money though!
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