Orange - SubZero
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Orange - SubZero


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
Views 956

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russellmilne's profile image

russellmilne said on 3 June 2010

Always ten for an Orange. Especially a hardtail.

Life In Motion replied... on 4 June 2010

Cheers Dude. Nothing beats hacking around with a hardtail!

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SynysterJake's profile image

SynysterJake said on 27 March 2010

looks good but you could do with a better pic mate, rate my bikes please :))

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My all rounder. Built tuff rather than light. 6" up front to suck up the bumps and a mad man hanging on the bars to point it down the hill. All in all works well every where. Perticulary good fun on north shore, not that theres much left down here, but a great laugh on any hill. Just not so good for longer climbs, and its only a 14" frame so while nimble and under you on the winding down hills, tiring on the all day trail ride.

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