TREK - 6300
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TREK - 6300


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
Views 1853

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Dizzle's profile image

Dizzle said on 15 August 2010

Upgrade your shocks it will increase your riding ability more than a stem skewers or any other nickel and dime upgrade !! save for the big investment instead you will appreciate it more !

appy replied... on 17 August 2010

bought this to learn the basics on, found out what style of riding i like, what bikes going to suit me etc so not spending any real money on it other than cheap stuff off ebay. getting a cube in november so saving my money for that

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eddie71's profile image

eddie71 said on 31 May 2010

looking at it, it should be a 10 cos it's a trek and it looks mint, upgrade them forks and its a 10 for sure, please rate my bike.

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robbiet44's profile image

robbiet44 said on 31 May 2010

looks a nice ride proper nice with the blue rims..rate my ride to please

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Marin.Bikes's profile image

Marin.Bikes said on 31 May 2010

Really nice cross country bike, frame looks very impressive. Nice clean looks aswell. Please rate my Marin

appy replied... on 31 May 2010

hmm 4 replies? whats going on there then???

appy replied... on 31 May 2010

Im pretty anal when it comes to cleaning it after every ride. im heavily into my car detailing so my bike often gets waxed lol!!

appy replied... on 31 May 2010

Im pretty anal when it comes to cleaning it after every ride. im heavily into my car detailing so my bike often gets waxed lol!!

appy replied... on 31 May 2010

Im pretty anal when it comes to cleaning it after every ride. im heavily into my car detailing so my bike often gets waxed lol!!

appy replied... on 31 May 2010

Im pretty anal when it comes to cleaning it after every ride. im heavily into my car detailing so my bike often gets waxed lol!!

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Standard apart from the wheels, just ordered a new handlebar, stem, skewers and seatpost off ebay for a bit more bling, yes im a tart i know lol
Its my first proper bike, had it 10 months. Learning how to ride properly round Cannock, Macc forest and Lady bower resevoir mainly, before getting a full susser at the end of the year as im on the cycle sceme.

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