eastern - 08 metalhead

eastern - 08 metalhead


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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Skidster said on 6 June 2010

sweet loking bike mate. lovin the spec and all the weight savin. i'm thinkin of selling my psp to upgrade my bmx, any ideas for parts??. rate my haro if ya want

Skidster replied... on 7 June 2010

Thanks, Going to get mew pedals, chain maybe saddle and sprocket.

camo92mtb replied... on 7 June 2010

colony make some of the lightest parts out, go with the colony starts stem and a shadow con crank n bones 25 chainwheel as thats one of the lightest going, proper microlite hubs are some of the lightest going aswell

camo92mtb replied... on 7 June 2010


camo92mtb replied... on 7 June 2010

colony make some of the lightest parts out, go with the colony starts stem and a shadow con crank n bones 25 chainwheel as thats one of the lightest going, proper microlite hubs are some of the lightest going aswell

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all black parts resprayed from bare metal matte black, weight saving cut outs in frame with inbuilt seatclamp, S/E race forks, blue easter headset, purple colony stem with hollowbolts, stolen cellT bars and stolen pivotal seat on miniwedge post, shaddow sprocket on WTP cranks n odyssey metal pedals, 25t by 9t running on anno blue extra wide(50mm) rims with weight savin holes, haro park tyres, smoothest bike i've ever ridden and possibly will ever ride

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