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Dirt Jump / Street
NOW £59.99 RRP £145.00 | SAVE 59%
NOW £39.99 RRP £39.99 | SAVE 0%
NOW £25.00 RRP £40.00 | SAVE 38%
NOW £78.99 RRP £139.99 | SAVE 44%
NOW £28.49 RRP £31.99 | SAVE 11%
NOW £71.10 RRP £79.00 | SAVE 10%
dirt_jumper123 said on 5 February 2011
i like this bike i was going to get it but getting 2011 in BLUE!!!!!!!
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robbo98 said on 28 January 2011
that is a nice bike!!!!!!!!!
MegaSlimjim23 said on 17 January 2011
nice got 2011 one
Mauros Thanatos said on 7 January 2011
yo nice bike,i am thinking of buying one.I was wondering if it can take gears... thnx
Matt_10 replied... on 7 January 2011
umm... i dont think so. you could probably buy a new back wheel that can. its good single speed anyway
nsmtb said on 3 January 2011
like the green m8 but tbh pink cables abit gay :)
Matt_10 replied... on 3 January 2011
ha yep you could say that! it was the only one left in the shop and i needed a longer cable to go to corby
-Bash- said on 2 January 2011
the only thing i would change is the forks, mine were shocking and im guessing there no better :) part from that looks rather nice
armstrong said on 2 January 2011
really nice bike but launch forks?? Anyway rest of the bike is beaut!
Matt_10 replied... on 2 January 2011
yeah thats the next thing im gonna get after my bmx is finished. some bombers :D
TagumTrailRider said on 2 January 2011
hey man. thanks for rating my bike, now. Imma give your bike a 10/10 since I love the low angle of the frame. and the pink cable looks alright to me
Tomothy said on 1 January 2011
Silver, green and pink colour scheme, looks alright :D
STP_Boy said on 1 January 2011
sweet ride, rate mine plz
Linderoff said on 1 January 2011
Nice ride i was going to get this is it a good ride? looks thousand times better than old ones
Matt_10 replied... on 1 January 2011
sorry i thought this one was my bmx :S (im new to this site) my jump bike is nice. it rides over dirt like a cloud but street is harder on it due to the geometry
you can still get these things! i like it although the bearings need changing regularly
trimmtrab said on 1 January 2011
I like loads of stickers on bikes - very old skool 80s BMX. Not sure about pink cables mind. Plz rate mine
how do i make my bmx better then?
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dirt_jumper123 said on 5 February 2011
i like this bike i was going to get it but getting 2011 in BLUE!!!!!!!
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robbo98 said on 28 January 2011
that is a nice bike!!!!!!!!!
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MegaSlimjim23 said on 17 January 2011
nice got 2011 one
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Mauros Thanatos said on 7 January 2011
yo nice bike,i am thinking of buying one.I was wondering if it can take gears... thnx
Matt_10 replied... on 7 January 2011
umm... i dont think so. you could probably buy a new back wheel that can. its good single speed anyway
Matt_10 replied... on 7 January 2011
umm... i dont think so. you could probably buy a new back wheel that can. its good single speed anyway
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nsmtb said on 3 January 2011
like the green m8 but tbh pink cables abit gay :)
Matt_10 replied... on 3 January 2011
ha yep you could say that! it was the only one left in the shop and i needed a longer cable to go to corby
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-Bash- said on 2 January 2011
the only thing i would change is the forks, mine were shocking and im guessing there no better :) part from that looks rather nice
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armstrong said on 2 January 2011
really nice bike but launch forks?? Anyway rest of the bike is beaut!
Matt_10 replied... on 2 January 2011
yeah thats the next thing im gonna get after my bmx is finished. some bombers :D
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TagumTrailRider said on 2 January 2011
hey man. thanks for rating my bike, now. Imma give your bike a 10/10 since I love the low angle of the frame. and the pink cable looks alright to me
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Tomothy said on 1 January 2011
Silver, green and pink colour scheme, looks alright :D
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STP_Boy said on 1 January 2011
sweet ride, rate mine plz
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Linderoff said on 1 January 2011
Nice ride i was going to get this is it a good ride?
looks thousand times better than old ones
Matt_10 replied... on 1 January 2011
sorry i thought this one was my bmx :S (im new to this site)
my jump bike is nice. it rides over dirt like a cloud but street is harder on it due to the geometry
Matt_10 replied... on 1 January 2011
you can still get these things! i like it although the bearings need changing regularly
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trimmtrab said on 1 January 2011
I like loads of stickers on bikes - very old skool 80s BMX. Not sure about pink cables mind.
Plz rate mine
Matt_10 replied... on 1 January 2011
how do i make my bmx better then?
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