yh you can her the website http://www.mdebikes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en
but this is like 09 frame i think and a xsponcer frame.
my mate got it off this guy that rides for mde off pinkbike :)
my mates mde pusher
saint crank
8inch frame
saint gearing
hope teck m4 bk/fr
dmr pedels v8 in white
sun ringle rims with home hubs
Marzocchi 66 2009 in black 180mm
Marzocchi Roco RC World
Easton EA70 Monkey Bar and stem
Ethirteen chain device
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nathan83 said on 29 January 2011
sweet ride mate, like the colour, great spec, rate my kona cheers
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georgeGEE79 said on 25 January 2011
love your bike!!!!!!!!! looks stong sexy lol and love the forks! here, have a ten pal. can this bike still be baught online m8? co i want it!!!
jokerman311 replied... on 25 January 2011
yh you can her the website http://www.mdebikes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en
but this is like 09 frame i think and a xsponcer frame.
my mate got it off this guy that rides for mde off pinkbike :)
hope this make sence ?
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