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LeOn98's profile image

LeOn98 said on 27 April 2011

nice bike, but change the seat and was your bike before a scott voltage yz 0.3 ??

LeOn98 replied... on 28 April 2011


chrislikesbikes replied... on 28 April 2011

ive ordered a plain white pivotal and im getting some red suade and having C.L stitched in gold on the suade. and no i didnt have a scott, i had a dmr transition.

LeOn98 replied... on 27 April 2011

*rate mine scott please

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-Bash-'s profile image

-Bash- said on 13 April 2011

really nice, would just change the stem :)

chrislikesbikes replied... on 14 April 2011

thats somethng else im doing putting a bmx stem on there.

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Laprell's profile image

Laprell said on 12 April 2011

Love the re-spray. what size is it and how are the tyres treating you?

chrislikesbikes replied... on 13 April 2011

its 26" and the tyres are alright decent grip on all surfaces and good roll speed. but might get some holy rollers though. i am also getting some gold handle bars with white grips to match the wheels.

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custom spray job on this bike candy red as you can see, it no longer has a front brake. primo probite cranks schwalbe tabletop tyres. they have a good roll speed. stolen 25tooth sprocket on a 12tooth rear cassette. black rigid forks as you can see.

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