custom bmx - year the was bilt 2010

custom bmx - year the was bilt 2010


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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bmxmad45's profile image

bmxmad45 said on 16 August 2011

nice bmx rated

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I am selling this bike or would do a swap for full suspencion bike
Odysssy evo brake
Odyssey liner cable
Odyssey lever
Odyssey race forks
Odyssey actin seat
Kink bold stem
Kink seat post and clamp
Kink sprocket and bar ends
Eco shiner bars
Odi grips
Stolen fiveo frame
Nitous front wheel
Haro back wheel and demalishion tire
Few scratches on the frame but its an
Amzing bike for steet and park if intrested text me on 07533144115

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