apollo - xc
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apollo - xc

Dirt Jump / Street

Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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scooby262's profile image

scooby262 said on 27 December 2011

i wouldn't spend much money upgrading it, instead save up up for a better bike. plus if you intend to use this as a dirt jump bike it will probably break.

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bmxboyy's profile image

bmxboyy said on 24 May 2011

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RyanHames's profile image

RyanHames said on 16 April 2011

Mate, I would seriously think about getting a new bike instead of spending your money on this one. My friend has one, but its almost dead and the brakes don't work at all. He had a bad crash on it on cannock chase, now he's thinking of getting a decent second hand one for £200.

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Sears's profile image

Sears said on 18 November 2010

Wouldnt let me rate it any lower I'm afraid!

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MATTYKOP12389's profile image

MATTYKOP12389 said on 23 June 2010

10 4 bravery 1 4 bike

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vengeance111's profile image

vengeance111 said on 21 December 2009

its ok for ridin to work i suppose just dont take it down no dh runs

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joe.field's profile image

joe.field said on 13 December 2009

im giving you 10 for having the balls !

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StpDirtJump's profile image

StpDirtJump said on 9 November 2009

Great , now all u need is a new frame, new rims , new cranks new pedals.

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rockinrowley123's profile image

rockinrowley123 said on 8 October 2009

thats ok bike 4 riding round but why are u uprating that bike ..rate bike

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Dr.A's profile image

Dr.A said on 10 September 2009

Try to ignore the comments...If you like it, then that's all that matters.

Just don't go crazy with it, bud.

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connorilett666's profile image

connorilett666 said on 6 September 2009

mate, why is there a lock on this. no one would steal this anyway. well apart from a 10 year old

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benhymus's profile image

benhymus said on 11 July 2009

its so offensive to look at that it makes me want to be sick

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rex's profile image

rex said on 2 June 2009

sorry mate but instead of gettin new forks it is better getin a whole new bike!I mean its an apollo and they are rubish, your better off geting a whole new bike.

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Southey's profile image

Southey said on 7 April 2009

Personally I wouldn't put those nice new forks on this bike. If you do any dirt jumping on this frame, I suggest you find some jumps close to a hospital 'cos I wouldn't want to rely on this frame staying in one piece after a couple of heavy landings, but good luck anyway.

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24seven dh's profile image

24seven dh said on 8 December 2008

y have u gt a lock on it?
il be nice wiv ur vote

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djdean's profile image

djdean said on 14 October 2008

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alexrowling's profile image

alexrowling said on 23 August 2008

i dont see y ppl have raited this so low?


jonesandbrown replied... on 18 November 2010


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hondacrf's profile image

hondacrf said on 18 August 2008

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poopoo's profile image

poopoo said on 16 August 2008

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jonesandbrown's profile image

jonesandbrown said on 16 August 2008

i love my bike it well quick

the forks do fit but i need a new stem im gonna get a spank 1 i think in white maybe

in the picture i just bought a alex dm back rim and i have bought a front 1 now so it looks better and i have single speeded it

konastinky888 replied... on 27 August 2008

you are mental spending money on this. just make sure any parts u buy are able to be fitted to a better more upgrade worthy bike in the futre.

rob.watts replied... on 16 August 2008

wats the point of doind it up its cr@p

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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 14 August 2008

10/10 for bravery. you gotta be nuts to ride that.

grazo22 replied... on 14 August 2008

Good point. That would mean a new head tube and headset. You'd be better off just getting a second hand real jump bike! This bike is noway meant to handle any type of jumping. It's meant for people to ride on the road and on a bumpy track!

konastinky888 replied... on 14 August 2008

how do u put marzocchi forks on a bike like this with a funky old type head tube? do marzocchi even make forks that will fit that? if, as you say, you have bought some marzocchi forks for it i suggest you go take a look and see if they will fit.

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chance275's profile image

chance275 said on 14 August 2008

ill be honest .... it isnt good for a begginers bike it is worse ..... apollo is just good for breaking thats it ! simply because they are probaly built by a blind man in china !! ..... and the bits that u have said arnt xc parts
get a new frame and just start over ... i rekon thats ya best bet.

MATTYKOP12389 replied... on 23 June 2010


konastinky888 replied... on 14 August 2008

your wrong. its not built a blind man in china, its built by a no-fingered blind man in tiawan.

rob.watts replied... on 14 August 2008

get a whole new bike

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peters1984's profile image

peters1984 said on 13 August 2008

marzocchi forks,white tyres nice lil basket lovely shame the red peice of crap is in the way tho and lovin that pink seat

konastinky888 replied... on 14 August 2008

ha ha ha lol

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f00ddude's profile image

f00ddude said on 13 August 2008

erm ok....
before u put on those parts, lets think of what XC means first shall we?

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downhilldude15's profile image

downhilldude15 said on 13 August 2008

i really wouldn't jump on that. but its ok for a first bike

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grazo22's profile image

grazo22 said on 13 August 2008

hmmmmmmm nice for a beginner bike

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ive bought marzocchi dj 2 for it and some dmr moto diggers so i will update it soon

it just need to b single speeded then its done after that really

nice and simple

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