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XC / Enduro

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jooonyss's profile image

jooonyss said on 23 February 2011

I dont like this bikes paint

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listerjones's profile image

listerjones said on 21 January 2011

Hey, loving the bike mate. I'm building a hustler for my other half....she likes kawasakis and the green and white styling so watch this space I guess.

Nice airbrushing, really pulled off the era flames.

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Bryce's profile image

Bryce said on 4 January 2011

paint work looks rad love it and nice spec too, where did you get the decals from?

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specializedP1dan's profile image

specializedP1dan said on 24 December 2009

i dont like the paint job but the rest of the bike is nice tho

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SynysterJake's profile image

SynysterJake said on 22 December 2009

sweet dude, rate my bikes please

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jr's profile image

jr said on 18 December 2009

omg that is lush nevr seen a paint job like that b4
r8 all my bikes plz

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Stug's profile image

Stug said on 17 December 2009

Nice to see some custom stuff. It looks really sweet.

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dhulluk's profile image

dhulluk said on 8 November 2009

Has to be 10 all the way, great looking bike and from the Cove stable you know it's got to ride well.

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DBR.RACE's profile image

DBR.RACE said on 7 September 2009



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jay12's profile image

jay12 said on 8 August 2009

this is about the nicest paintjob on a bike i have ever seen

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Coveman75's profile image

Coveman75 said on 20 July 2009

Nicest Hustler I've ever seen!! Looks like the bike Hellacopters would like to ride dude.Great work.Would you rate mine,if you like?

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Tyrrell's profile image

Tyrrell said on 2 July 2009

that paint is absoloutely sickjk! looks mean! amazing bike too

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70s Minky's profile image

70s Minky said on 1 July 2009

Hats off for a remarkable paint job.I have allways liked cove bikes.Yours makes me want to go and buy one.Jealous you betya.

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FLOWRider74's profile image

FLOWRider74 said on 7 June 2009

Cool paint job and on a Cove, awesome bikes i have one so a 10 from me

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Geoff-Ross's profile image

Geoff-Ross said on 29 May 2009

nice aren't pikes the best round fork ever i love mine

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STIFFEE's profile image

STIFFEE said on 29 May 2009

Amazing paint job and its a cove well worth a ten!!!!

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azza993's profile image

azza993 said on 29 April 2009

sik! got to give it 10, love the paint job

ginjafro replied... on 28 May 2009


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24seven212's profile image

24seven212 said on 23 April 2009

blimey 10 for effort nice bike. how much did it set you back?
reply on my page plz

ginjafro replied... on 28 May 2009

Far more £$ than I dare tell me missus!

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D4Y13's profile image

D4Y13 said on 6 March 2009

---- Rating and Comments have been removed ----

ginjafro replied... on 12 March 2009

Stupid Boy, Pike !

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Zed's profile image

Zed said on 28 February 2009

Woah! seriously bling Hustler, great spec, looks like you have put in loads of work and cash into this bad boy! check out my Stiffee.

ginjafro replied... on 28 May 2009

Cheers, yep lots of work and wonga, but worth every penny.

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identiti365's profile image

identiti365 said on 23 February 2009

that paintjob is wicked very nice bike

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sj-94's profile image

sj-94 said on 16 February 2009

stunning bike, i love the the paintjob and pikes r ace

ginjafro replied... on 28 May 2009

Thanks, I've got a lot of time for Rockshox. The Rebas on my Giant XTC are still brilliant after 3 years or so.

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topgunbell's profile image

topgunbell said on 4 February 2009

Givin it 10 for the paintjob. Totally sick!

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euxodusmtb's profile image

euxodusmtb said on 30 January 2009

love the flame work

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yoof's profile image

yoof said on 29 January 2009

I had a hustler for a while, regret selling it now though,Your bike looks great,well done!!! :0)

ginjafro replied... on 28 May 2009

I hope to hang on to mine for a long time yet.

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milky321's profile image

milky321 said on 27 January 2009

loving the paint job looks sexy

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vitaminjayz's profile image

vitaminjayz said on 26 January 2009

love the paint job ,looks awsome

best ive seen so far .

ginjafro replied... on 28 May 2009

Thankyou, spread the word!

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thegardener's profile image

thegardener said on 24 January 2009

well i have got to say, i dont like the bike it's self, just not my thing... but it gets a 10 from me cuz that paint job is cool!! really tidy build.
please do have alook at my rides.

ginjafro replied... on 26 January 2009

Nothing wrong admitting the bike aint your kind of thing but at the same time appreciating quality and a good build deserves top marks, cheers!

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djvagabon's profile image

djvagabon said on 23 January 2009

Awesome paint job. Can only be a 10

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kona-all-the-way's profile image

kona-all-the-way said on 22 January 2009

sick bike everythings nice but not sure on the flames still a ten tho

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baked_bainz's profile image

baked_bainz said on 21 January 2009

that is stunning i love the gnarly paintjob!!
plz rate mine!1

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jona2008's profile image

jona2008 said on 21 January 2009

great paint job on a great bike,sweet spec too.

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churchychillin's profile image

churchychillin said on 21 January 2009

whoop,whoooop looks amazing.!\/!please rate mi orange airo plz

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susser73's profile image

susser73 said on 15 January 2009

Rad bike, pimped to perfection! Love Cove!!!

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Thanks for the comment. Its true what they say about Coves and I would recommend a Hustler to anyone, awesome bikes.

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ashley_photog's profile image

ashley_photog said on 7 January 2009

10 for the Paint job alone!

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ozzy911's profile image

ozzy911 said on 6 January 2009

love the custom paintjob however dnt like white rims

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Well we can't like everything but glad you appreciate the paintjob.

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Shakey's profile image

Shakey said on 29 December 2008

cool ride mate, loved my coves will be sad to see my hustler go :(

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DoctorBobrick's profile image

DoctorBobrick said on 22 December 2008

Love the paintjob, great custom build

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pudseyp's profile image

pudseyp said on 20 December 2008

Very very very nice !!!

pudseyp replied... on 20 December 2008

Shit soz should have been a 10 !! muppet

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gt-moto-jay's profile image

gt-moto-jay said on 18 December 2008

nice paint job

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ckflip's profile image

ckflip said on 17 December 2008

Nice bike mate well specced i like the custom paint job too.

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Jake_G1's profile image

Jake_G1 said on 9 December 2008

i love this ride so much! i would be scarred to ride it though just incase! but at the same time i bet it's awesome, a real head turner!!

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

So far its always cleaned up well and performed brilliantly.

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jase874's profile image

jase874 said on 2 November 2008

VERY NICE!! cant believe how light it is neither. a custom paintwork catagory would be good but i think you would be lucky to get more than 5 bikes in there

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Thanks for the positive comment and your probably right about custom catagory but worth a try though.

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chrissss's profile image

chrissss said on 25 October 2008

dude, that is insane.
i used to have a cove stiffee with flames coming off the headtube just like that :)
i never thought i'd see another though.
cool shit

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Good to hear that. Got any pics of the Stiffee you'd like to share?

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Kona_Ash's profile image

Kona_Ash said on 13 October 2008

Awesome Hustler mate! Totaly unique!! Rate my Hustler!!!

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Seen yours, very nice. Similar build, different parts.

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nellybob_'s profile image

nellybob_ said on 12 October 2008

nice bike :) rate my bikes

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009


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freeride idiot's profile image

freeride idiot said on 5 October 2008

uber pimp bike mate nice airbrushing iv just bought airbrush myselfe but am scared to take it to my bike well maybe in my next round of pimping !!

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Don't be scared just do it! Its not as scarey as say a 10 foot drop off, is it?

freeride idiot replied... on 5 October 2008

rate mine ???

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andrewgg's profile image

andrewgg said on 19 September 2008

wow!!! nicee work mate!!! did u airbrush that yourself??? amazingly beautiful bike!!!!

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

I certainly did and worth the effort too.

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dagzin's profile image

dagzin said on 7 September 2008

got a sdg leopard on mine, your right its is like a sponge,so loveing the paint job loke a bat outa hell lol,nice bike aswell i'll take my hat off to you sir....

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Its good to have some colour and glamour in life and put a few smiles on other's faces!

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nps dh's profile image

nps dh said on 7 September 2008

yeah great flame work, not too keen on some of the parts, but yeah its sick man!

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Glad you like the flames!

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24sevenstyle's profile image

24sevenstyle said on 7 September 2008

nice i love the flames

ginjafro replied... on 17 January 2009

Thanks dude, flames do it for me

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rustyone's profile image

rustyone said on 4 September 2008

When i first saw this bike i wasn't sure - but after looking at your close up pics its grown on me. One bit i think lets it down is the brown saddle 10/10 otherwise

ginjafro replied... on 5 September 2008

Hey rustyone,glad its grown on you. As for the saddle I had considered an SDG in leopard skin (but tend to get soggy when wet) and someone else suggested they would prefer white. I chose the Charge in brown 'cause I felt it lent itself to a retro look and they are a great saddle for less than £20.

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lerch 's profile image

lerch said on 4 September 2008

An extremely nice bike , but the flames just look cheap. and let's the bike down i think.

lerch replied... on 5 September 2008

Because every thing else is spot on .

ginjafro replied... on 4 September 2008

Okay, I can take that on the chin so why rate me a ten? Thanks anyway!

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stelmo's profile image

stelmo said on 4 September 2008

get in! nice bike!!!! love the rims.

ginjafro replied... on 4 September 2008

Cheers, I like d white bling rims too, maybe a bit OTT for most UK riding but still reasonably light with Hopes and definitely tough and ding resistant.

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stuntmuppet's profile image

stuntmuppet said on 4 September 2008

one of the best bikes ive seen .. good job

ginjafro replied... on 4 September 2008

Thankyou very much!

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paddlepanda's profile image

paddlepanda said on 31 August 2008

That is wearing leathers to ride it? Seriously, I love it - want to ride it now

ginjafro replied... on 4 September 2008

Rock & Roll!

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swifty15uk's profile image

swifty15uk said on 30 August 2008

well done u successfully ruined a nice frame
at least all the 13yr kids on this site will love it
feel free to hate my bike

jay12 replied... on 8 August 2009

well said ginjafro. swifty15uk you should seriously shut up

ginjafro replied... on 31 August 2008

Swifty Suk, don't understand why I've "ruined a nice frame". Its only paint and makes no difference to the ride quality and as for all the 13 year olds out there we should encourage them, not insult them with your kind of banality. I shalln't bother to rate your ride because plenty of others already think its pretty dull and boring, perhaps a reflection of its owner?

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HulaBoy's profile image

HulaBoy said on 30 August 2008

Tres Bon! In the process of designing some hotrod flames for a tattoo... You've inspired me to pull my finger out and get cracking! Excellent bike mate. And excellent artwork too. If your riding style is as dedicated as your artistic temprament then watch out trails!

ginjafro replied... on 31 August 2008

Cheers HulaBoy, glad to be an inspiration and good luck with the tattoo.

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Ben_500's profile image

Ben_500 said on 30 August 2008

all that effort is amazing... simply sweet but i would be to scared to ride incase i crashed (Which happens enough!!) still your set up look as nice as the paint job!

ginjafro replied... on 31 August 2008

Thanx Ben. I'm bound to crash at some point but if I didn't I'm either too good (nope) or not trying hard enough (pussy).

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sykesy10's profile image

sykesy10 said on 26 August 2008

Nice bike . . . . . .

ginjafro replied... on 27 August 2008


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Mr. Trail-Motions's profile image

Mr. Trail-Motions said on 24 August 2008

I am most definately impressed!
I don't give many 10's out but this one deserves it..
damn good job on the flames!!
I reckon a white saddle and grips would finish it for me..
I'd be scared to ride it in case of scratches!

ginjafro replied... on 27 August 2008

Thanks for the comments. White saddle & grips would be
UBER PIMP ! I had considered an SDG leopard print saddle but unfortunately they are not renowned for being waterproof.

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witny's profile image

witny said on 24 August 2008


ginjafro replied... on 27 August 2008

Thanks for your support.

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davidg5329's profile image

davidg5329 said on 23 August 2008

bike porn, i love it. I'm tempted to trade mine for a cove.plz rate my marin

ginjafro replied... on 24 August 2008

Bike porn it is! As for the Marin Attack trail they are gorgeous too, I'd be very happy to have one. Plenty of scope for a custom paintjob.

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StuPot's profile image

StuPot said on 22 August 2008

Minted Bike
Nice Work Mate
Rate My Ride Please Thanks

ginjafro replied... on 22 August 2008

Thanx StuPot.

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stickman's profile image

stickman said on 22 August 2008

yeah, you get it! how about a custom bike category to separate the stockers from the unique efforts? truly a unique hustler, a work of rolling art!

ginjafro replied... on 22 August 2008

"A work of rolling art", I like it, cheers Stickman!
A "Custom" catagory sounds interesting. Hows about airing your view on the forum?

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kevinr08's profile image

kevinr08 said on 21 August 2008

nice bike m8
sweet paintwork

ginjafro replied... on 21 August 2008

Thanx for the comment.

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dans328i's profile image

dans328i said on 20 August 2008

thats awesome mate lovin the flames!!!

ginjafro replied... on 20 August 2008

Thanyou very much, there's just something about flames!

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revolvor's profile image

revolvor said on 20 August 2008

Hot Rod paint job is worth 10 alone, the bike really looks like you could eat youre dinner off it - Mint 10/10 easily

ginjafro replied... on 20 August 2008

Cheers Bud, I might just try that (eat me dinner off it) !

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08mnol's profile image

08mnol said on 20 August 2008

That paint job is insane

ginjafro replied... on 20 August 2008

Yep, nearly had me going insane a couple of times too.

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ukorangerider's profile image

ukorangerider said on 20 August 2008

very cool nice colour

ginjafro replied... on 20 August 2008

Ta, I like to think so.

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xxjez82's profile image

xxjez82 said on 20 August 2008

great looking bike, and great paint work

ginjafro replied... on 20 August 2008

Thankyou. I hope it's an inspiration to all.

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superwol's profile image

superwol said on 19 August 2008

looks cool as, nice work mate!!!

ginjafro replied... on 19 August 2008

Cheers mate!

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roydenw1's profile image

roydenw1 said on 18 August 2008

That is stunning!..i would be scared shi@%ess to ride it!, no seriously hats off. Gotta be up there as one of the best i have seen.

ginjafro replied... on 19 August 2008

Thanks man, I'm really stoked you like it.

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jac114's profile image

jac114 said on 18 August 2008

man that is one sick bike.. big respect to ya.. like the idea of that one off look.. plz check my atomlab out

ginjafro replied... on 18 August 2008

Thanx Jac, we should all through caution to wind sometime.

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burge0114's profile image

burge0114 said on 18 August 2008

nice ride, love the paint job. wouldn't want to take it out though :)

ginjafro replied... on 18 August 2008

Yep, know what you mean, I'm dreading my first major scratch or ding but when yer riding, who cares?

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CoiledPete06's profile image

CoiledPete06 said on 18 August 2008

Rock and Roll - Ace.

stickman replied... on 22 August 2008

check out my heavy metal coiler with skull theme and slayer forks, ha ha ha!

ginjafro replied... on 18 August 2008

Rock on! Anybody else out there inspired by great music and style when pimping their ride? How about a punk (sex pistols) bike or psychadelic (Hendrix) cruiser?

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jimjimthehumanbin's profile image

jimjimthehumanbin said on 18 August 2008

Awesome bike. Lovely build and the paintjob rocks.

ginjafro replied... on 18 August 2008

Thanks, I enjoyed every minute of it.

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peters1984's profile image

peters1984 said on 17 August 2008

that is 1 amazing bike and you deserve the 10 just for your effort in trying!!!

ginjafro replied... on 17 August 2008

Cheers bud, I'd do it again but not for a while.

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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 16 August 2008

loving the paintwork.

ginjafro replied... on 17 August 2008

Thankyou, I'm glad you like it.

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llifonllanrug's profile image

llifonllanrug said on 16 August 2008

amazing paint job
looks good

ginjafro replied... on 16 August 2008

Thanks mate, nice to get the thumbs up again.

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mudsurfer's profile image

mudsurfer said on 16 August 2008

Brilliant flameworks! How did you do it?
Also, love the use of white in all the right places and that Hustler font, better than the original. Very retro!

konastinky888 replied... on 16 August 2008

good job. looks well good.

ginjafro replied... on 16 August 2008

Ta very much!
To paint the flames I bought a Badger Airbrush of E-Bay and learnt how to use it, before I went anywhere near my frame. I wanted some classic retro rock & roll flames like you see on those 50s American Hot Rods, so Googled a selection and based my design on them. Then the scary bit! You have to prep the frame first, remove stickers then scotchpad or very fine wet'n'dry the base paint, the works. Then I used a white chinagraph pen to draw the flames onto the frame. After that you need some very narrow scotch tape to mask all those tight curves and then standard masking tape & newspaper to cover all the other bits of frame to prevent overspray. Once that is all done a bit of primer is essential then you can go to town airbrushing the various layers and colours required, easy...., yeah right! It took a while and some tense moments but worth it in the end.

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BLAKEYRTTS's profile image

BLAKEYRTTS said on 15 August 2008

cool paint job

ginjafro replied... on 15 August 2008

Thanks, that was my intention.

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antop34's profile image

antop34 said on 15 August 2008

That is so cool, im loving it! Good job on the paint as well, you have some serious skills there.
Enjoy the ride dude

ginjafro replied... on 15 August 2008

Cheers man, if I can raise a few smiles on the way my work is nearly (but not quite) done!

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ginjafro's profile image

ginjafro said on 15 August 2008

Well, yes it is my bike and I love it! I spent 9 months building and pimping it. It rides as good as it looks which is after all what its really for. I did all the art work myself and called in a few favours for the repro' of font & badge and a big "Thankyou" to Tony who professionally lacquered it.

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Custom built and airbrushed with retro flames. One off Skull & wings badge and laser cut Hustler font(Chevy Bel-Air style) applied. Protected with a few coats of 2pac lacquer. Full XT running gear, Formula Oro K24 (180/160) brakes, white Syncros DS28 rims & stem, gold Hope Pro II Hubs, Swiss DT 10mm skewer at the rear, USE Atom carbon riser (31.8mm), Race Face Deus XC post, Charge Spoon saddle, Wellgo MG1(magnesium)pedals, Imperial lockons, Continental Mountain Kings and Pikes to keep things under control. Tough but light at just under 29lbs!

Since I built the Hustler I've given it some stick and she RIPS! I never believed I could give a bike so much abuse and both come out unscathed, bloody brilliant!

Check out "My Photos" for more detailed and close up shots.

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