specialized  - enduro expert 2012
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specialized - enduro expert 2012


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 7 February 2012

Nice, I've got a similar thing going on on my Marin (08 parts on a 10 frame) looks nice apart from the saddle and grips.

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Jayracer's profile image

Jayracer said on 6 February 2012

nice rig rate mine please

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oodboo's profile image

oodboo said on 6 February 2012

Very shiney :) Saddle and grips look a bit out of place though. What happened to the first frame?

uberdan replied... on 8 February 2012

oops!! my bad.. miss read your comment haha. it cracked right down the middle of a weld where the shock meets the frame. must have just been a bad weld. it was never abused and i would have never noticed it if i hadnt flipped it upside down to clean it.

konastinky888 replied... on 7 February 2012

First frame lol. Where / how did it break?

uberdan replied... on 7 February 2012

yeah i know what you mean they were just swapped from the 2010 frame though and havent got round to swapping them yet. first name?

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frame is 2012 however the componts are all from the 2010 enduro expert as the frame was replaced under warranty by specialized
avid code brakes fiited after i removed the elixer cr

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