Dmr - Transition 24"
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Dmr - Transition 24"

Dirt Jump / Street

Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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greeny's profile image

greeny said on 18 October 2009

well nice, what does it ride like with them forks??
rate myn plz

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CRSKmD's profile image

CRSKmD said on 8 August 2009

ahh much beter 24" ridgid and brakeless.. works for me

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Tyrrell's profile image

Tyrrell said on 3 August 2009

dude that is so niceee!

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DMR_DRONE's profile image

DMR_DRONE said on 21 April 2009

sweet whats i like to ride i thinking of upgrading my drone to a transition

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dirt_jumpin_chris's profile image

dirt_jumpin_chris said on 5 December 2008

i love it with the rigids but ure balls not mine

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johnlukewalsh's profile image

johnlukewalsh said on 30 October 2008

one word for that... BEAST

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CheeseOmlette's profile image

CheeseOmlette said on 28 October 2008

Looks good, how much are you selling it for?

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hondacrf's profile image

hondacrf said on 16 September 2008

---- Rating and Comments have been removed ----

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adamjs102's profile image

adamjs102 said on 4 September 2008


Shud get some gold 50/50 pedals
rate mine plz

adamjs102 replied... on 4 September 2008

i suppose so lol
thanks for rating mine

swifty15uk replied... on 4 September 2008

no way too heavy
gonna get some odyssey ipedels

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joshunt92's profile image

joshunt92 said on 4 September 2008

mint bike

nice a simple

rate my chase please =)

10 x

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Private_eye's profile image

Private_eye said on 2 September 2008

whats all the fuss about the seat angle! i wonder some times people on this site get so hung up one little thing.
love DMR's, think the colour is really nice, yer would be better with some other forks but think its looking pretty good at the minute and if i had £450 i'd quite happily take it off you

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jimjimthehumanbin's profile image

jimjimthehumanbin said on 2 September 2008

Nice simple build. Seat is abit steep looking but different strokes for different folks n all. Good look with the sale.

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FREERIDE 210's profile image

FREERIDE 210 said on 2 September 2008

Sick bike man its really hectic. IS it light. LOve the colour. Are you selling it. will u ship to Aus

swifty15uk replied... on 2 September 2008

sorry uk sales only

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konashred08's profile image

konashred08 said on 31 August 2008

I................................don't like it.

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brandon1234's profile image

brandon1234 said on 31 August 2008

well nice, mabe some more better forks would be nice

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DMR MAN's profile image

DMR MAN said on 31 August 2008

nice but dont like ur grips
check mine out

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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 30 August 2008

i think its quite nice looking, apart from the brown grips.

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jabbles21's profile image

jabbles21 said on 27 August 2008

Nice.. always liked that green on the transition frame.. get yourself some society forks and you're sorted:P

swifty15uk replied... on 2 September 2008

yh they will do it
but u need to send them the parts
what i was gonna do is buy a set of pikes, then give fishers a ring to see if they can get hold of some argyle lowers

HulaBoy replied... on 2 September 2008

I'm looking at doing the Pargyle thing... Best of both worlds. But how do you do it? Can't afford to buy two sets of forks to create one 'master fork'. How you gonna make yours? Or is there a company that do them? Know TF tuned do stuff like that...

swifty15uk replied... on 27 August 2008

was thinking that but im gonna build a 80mm pargyle :D

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HulaBoy's profile image

HulaBoy said on 27 August 2008

I like it... Seat looks a bit of a ball banger though dude...

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swifty15uk's profile image

swifty15uk said on 27 August 2008

cant give my own bike a 10 can i that would be vein espec with them forks
pargyle soon
for all those that dont know wht that is it will be a argyle 409 lowers with pike 454 uppers run at 80mm
and im the only one here who nows how nice it rides and how loud that hub is =D
love it

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bikerboywill's profile image

bikerboywill said on 27 August 2008

soooo nice!! love every bit (apart from the forks :S) but seeming though your getting new ones have a 10

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Charles079's profile image

Charles079 said on 27 August 2008

doesn't look right

swifty15uk replied... on 27 August 2008

what doesnt look right on it ?

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jac114's profile image

jac114 said on 27 August 2008

Your seat is far to lent back I would watch your jewels on that.And sorry I really dont like that green its vile If I were to mark it on parts you would have got a 9 but as you seem more interested in colours ref your rating of mine I thought I would mark you on that. After all you do have blk silver brown gold white on yours

jac114 replied... on 27 August 2008

Take it on the chin son.. suck it up I was only rating yours By the same scale as you rated mine.. It was not revenge It was a simple return of the favour.. someone votes on yours and you vote on theres thats how it works.. I dont mind a 6 on mine as every body else can see Its your view against others..

swifty15uk replied... on 27 August 2008

how very immature of you to judge a bike on a view of yours

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Forks? Identiti Rebates 1420s
Bars? Gusset open prisons 2"
Stem? s&m redneck xl
Headset? Flybike Integrated
Grips? odi long necks
Bottom Bracket? wethepeople euro
Crank? Wethe people royal Ti axle
Pedals? Gusset slim jim sealed
Chain Ring? mankind tollerence 28t
Chain? Khe Minimalist
Front Wheel? Halo djd 20mm on sun bfr, dt swiss spokes
Back Wheel? Halo djd 14mm on sun bfr, dt swiss spokes
Driver? 12t cromo
Seat Clamp? Gusset
Seat Post? Atomlab
Seat? Demolition F1
btw im 6'3" so dont be hating the seat

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