Kona - Shred
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Kona - Shred

Dirt Jump / Street

Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
Views 17342

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zooobs's profile image

zooobs said on 20 May 2009

NICE, but its just a stock bike

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Trek Troy Hardy's profile image

Trek Troy Hardy said on 19 March 2009

nice love these bikes

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jonbisset's profile image

jonbisset said on 31 January 2009

ive got this bike its brilliant!!!

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Muckhead's profile image

Muckhead said on 19 January 2009

why is ur frame a different shape to normal urs is straight others have a bent frame answer on my profile plz nice though gettin 1 soon cant wait

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Andreas's profile image

Andreas said on 19 January 2009

cool nice ride.
lush as it is but would be good to do some upgrades in the near future, but has to be a 10 cuz just look at it ...lol
plz rate mine

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tmemrevilducky's profile image

tmemrevilducky said on 15 November 2008

very nice i want one!!!:p:D:O

what size frame did you get i want one ur size.

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mountain94's profile image

mountain94 said on 5 September 2008

sick bike it is like my scrap but more new

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adamjs102's profile image

adamjs102 said on 4 September 2008

mostly standard parts but as long as you like the way it rides thats all that matters lol
looks mint
rate my ritual plz

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joshunt92's profile image

joshunt92 said on 4 September 2008

beautiful bike, hows it ride ?
thinking of getting kona next.
aint that dezmtber a twat lol
wtf 3 ?
he needs to get a life he gave my chase a 2 n mates scrap a 2 lmao.
Sad bastard, bet he aint even got a bike cos he obviously dont no what he on with the freek.

Anyway get back to me bout how it rides please =)

definetly a 10 =D

Muckhead replied... on 23 January 2009

i dont think dezmtber has alot of brain power lol

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konashred07's profile image

konashred07 said on 4 September 2008

tidy ride min!! lol

konastinky888 replied... on 6 September 2008

oi cheating isnt fair.

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dezmtber's profile image

dezmtber said on 4 September 2008

stock you said it all no bling bling

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hondacrf's profile image

hondacrf said on 2 September 2008

i dont care wat any body says its a kona, so wat if its stock its still made by a decent manufacture and it aint exactly cheap at more than 500 pound thats like 12 apollos lol so that bike is sweet as a nut as well as that my cuzans got one and its great to ride, they need the brakes to be set up properly before giving it a reali good ride but its got to be a 10/10.
rate my kona cowan!

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xxjez82's profile image

xxjez82 said on 1 September 2008

nice kona, nice colours too

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thomasali's profile image

thomasali said on 1 September 2008

Could be anybodies bike mate sorry..... every decent Halfords has one in stock...... gotta be a 7 cos its still a cool bike even though its stock.

Muckhead replied... on 19 January 2009

just becose halfords has sold 1 or 2 doesnt reflect the bike at all its like saying dont buy a ford mustang coz i saw 1 in auto trader once

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SpecializedP208's profile image

SpecializedP208 said on 1 September 2008

Stock but still looks and is good!

konashred08 replied... on 1 September 2008

Thank you rossy baby!!!

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konashred08's profile image

konashred08 said on 1 September 2008

Cause its mine

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swifty15uk's profile image

swifty15uk said on 30 August 2008

wtf is wrong with these guys
stock bikes cant score above 8
espec with reflectors
feel free to hate my bike now

Trek Troy Hardy replied... on 19 March 2009

haha this bike deserves a ten all the way, swifty15uk just because you dont upgrade a bike doesnt mean its bad

konastinky888 replied... on 6 September 2008

as i said i aprecciate 'special bikes' and i will let that be known with my comment i leave. and as all bikes are such great fun they all deserve a 10. athough i can see your point guys and i should maybe have left this bike an 8 or 9 for that reason. but it still looks good.

freerider402 replied... on 4 September 2008

this guy is right surley the bikes that people actually spend time and effort on building should be top it is a stock bike which any one can buy and which is not personal so it dosnt deserve the rank its been given

SweetAndSmooth replied... on 4 September 2008

But surely to score high you want somthing that someone cant just go into halfords and buy... you want something thats a one, something special...

mega_waster replied... on 1 September 2008

Wise words. It's not often we see so much sense spoken here in the Rate My Ride section.

konastinky888 replied... on 1 September 2008

and i gave this bike a 10 mostly because of the way it looks. not because of the parts. a bikes still just a bike at the end of the day. i still appreciate more expensive bikes but cheaper bikes are still good too. you can fall off a cheaper bike and not worry as much about your expensive bike and parts getting damaged because cheap stuff is more disposable and more easy on the wallet to replace.

konastinky888 replied... on 1 September 2008

ideally people should buy a bike thats specced to suit them and the riding they do. some have to do a custom build to achive this and some can buy one 'stock' and find that it suits them perfectly just as it is. just because someone hasnt changed/upgraded any parts dosnt make it a bad bike. and a sensible person wouldnt upgrade stuff untill it broke anyway. for example this bike has quite a cheap rear derailler fitted, but as i bet that it changes the gears why change it? maybe when it breaks get a better one but untill then its fine.

konastinky888 replied... on 1 September 2008

erm stock bike cant score more than 8? its still good. check out my marin thats stock and its better than half the bikes on this site.

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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 30 August 2008

very smart. would look great next to an 08 stinky.

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StuPot's profile image

StuPot said on 30 August 2008

Mate That Bike Is MinteedLove The Paint
Rate My Kona Stinky Please

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