Orange - Patriot
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Orange - Patriot


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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chrismcg1's profile image

chrismcg1 said on 29 June 2011

Cool - I like this and how you use it. Keeping a patriot light is a great idea. Rate mine plz!

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BenIllingworth's profile image

BenIllingworth said on 3 June 2009

WOAHH dogs bollocks or what !! Love it

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kalom's profile image

kalom said on 25 February 2009

thats horrible did u make it ur self

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Andreas's profile image

Andreas said on 10 February 2009

i really wanted to rate ur bike low and say what i really think cuz you rated mine low but just cant i luv patriots and especially in green also luv fox's ....

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orange93's profile image

orange93 said on 11 December 2008

old skool oranges

cant get better

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bending over 2 u's profile image

bending over 2 u said on 19 September 2008

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bang-bang-fun's profile image

bang-bang-fun said on 19 September 2008

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dan12321's profile image

dan12321 said on 19 September 2008

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GT BIKER2's profile image

GT BIKER2 said on 9 September 2008

realy nice orange is the best bike and i like the fox forks

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Skintlad's profile image

Skintlad said on 8 September 2008

Orange= Over Rated And Not Good Enough. You have put some good parts on but really a waste of time

Andreas replied... on 10 February 2009

Skintlsad is ovi on some medication that makes him go phyco or something oranges rule and look sweet !!!!!!

Skintlad replied... on 9 September 2008

There you go bike now listed feel free to slate and retaliate as much as you like. And JFI I used to race 4x and xc to a standard of having a few sponsors so know I dont about bikes. I just rode them =)

Skintlad replied... on 9 September 2008

I am still waiting for my rocky mountain slayer to be approved.. sorry. and er yes he can be wrong coz has he every one a world championship on one.. erm no fact!!!!

thomasali replied... on 8 September 2008

What fantastic bike have you got? I don't think just about every reviewer + me can be wrong matey, also I dont think you have ridden an Orange or many bikes for that matter. Oh and Steve Peat thought they were alright too.

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jac114's profile image

jac114 said on 8 September 2008

better than the kona. but cut down that steerer tube unless you like giving deep throat to your not to sure about the rear shock Either.. all that money spent and you put that on.(unless it came with it)

thomasali replied... on 8 September 2008

Tis' a good rear shock mate, I dont fit things on my bike without serious consideration.

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chalkie11's profile image

chalkie11 said on 8 September 2008

very nice looking bike. great specs too

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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 6 September 2008

lush colour. agree with first comment about the chain guide, its got to come off, if it dont your not you must not be riding over really rough terrain. also if you have some really firm spring in your rear mech, does that not make your gear shifting really hard at the lever? it also looks a little strange with a single crank and no guide. like somethings missing.

thomasali replied... on 8 September 2008

yeah is does look a bit weird without a chain guide, my old one is iscg so I dont think I can fit it.... on my old big hit the chain would try and fly off all the time, but on the same terrain the Orange hasnt chucked it yet, I havent been anywhere super gnarly yet, when do I will probably fit a cg. You are right about the shifting it is a bit stiff compared to using a mtb rear mech, if I fitted a better shifter (new XT or XTR) it wouldnt be noticeable.

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thomasali's profile image

thomasali said on 5 September 2008

well I better give my own bike 10, everyone else seems give themselves a 10!Also some wally is going around giving all my bikes 1/10......

konastinky888 replied... on 6 September 2008

yeah i had that too (a wally), except he had more than one account....

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gazza12343's profile image

gazza12343 said on 5 September 2008

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MikeyB's profile image

MikeyB said on 2 September 2008

very nice, love the colour. chain guide though? your chain must come off non stop if you go near "off road" especially with a high single pivot

thomasali replied... on 2 September 2008

I had a chain guide on my big hit, cos of just what you described, but the chain doesnt seem to want to come off the Orange, I run the chain as short as I can, and the rear mech is super short with a more powerful spring than a crappy mtb one and that seems to help aswell.

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My freeride bike, I only weigh 8.5 stone, so I don't need super tough and heavy kit. Bike only weighs about 13kg. Rear brake is missing cos'its going to be bled in the next couple of days. Can use the bike for XC with the seat up, or put the seat down and and its good for messing about. Spec: 18" frame, Manitou Swinger shock, Green Chris king hubs, black CK headset, Middleburn Rs7 cranks, Azonic X pedals, Dura Ace chain, Ultegra 12-27 Cassette and rear mech, Fox Vanilla RLC forks, Thomson Masterpiece post, X lite Steve Peat stem, LP carbon DH bars, SDG Bel air RL Ti seat, Hope Mini with 200mm rotors....

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