Marin - Quake 7.2 '08
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Marin - Quake 7.2 '08


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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webbo99's profile image

webbo99 said on 13 December 2010


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joyce12345's profile image

joyce12345 said on 20 June 2010

wicked sick bike

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IfanJenkin's profile image

IfanJenkin said on 18 June 2010

i just jizzed :L rate my spank and identiti p66 please? cheers mate ;D

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suomalainen's profile image

suomalainen said on 14 January 2010

Very nice bike!

suomalainen replied... on 14 January 2010

ou, and please rate mine.

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SynysterJake's profile image

SynysterJake said on 22 December 2009

beautiful dudee

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Austin1014's profile image

Austin1014 said on 22 November 2009

That frame colour is lush. I saw another one of your bike but yours looks well better kept and has a better spec.

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dhulluk's profile image

dhulluk said on 12 November 2009

Very nice I wish I could justify another bike if I could this would be it, just too heavy for my only ride.

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salarsatti123's profile image

salarsatti123 said on 25 October 2009

beast bike, but i dont think the golden spring looks nice even still it will be 9.9999...

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Jonofthejungle's profile image

Jonofthejungle said on 30 July 2009

Marin's are lookin better and better every time I see them!

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dirtjumper4lyf's profile image

dirtjumper4lyf said on 29 July 2009

i love it the green looks awsome

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daywalker's profile image

daywalker said on 27 July 2009

Awsome looking bike there! Like you said, 9.5 for the grip's! Please rate my Patriot 66!

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churchychillin's profile image

churchychillin said on 20 January 2009

lookin gud luv the colour! plz rate mi orange airo

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ckflip's profile image

ckflip said on 30 December 2008

Supposed to be great all round bikes but im not fussed on the colour, other than that nice bike

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Simsy78's profile image

Simsy78 said on 14 December 2008

sweet rig. rate mine cheers

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ninja's profile image

ninja said on 4 December 2008

8s & 9s?? this is a 10/10 all day long
rate mine pls

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HoorayHenry's profile image

HoorayHenry said on 3 November 2008

I'm not really taken by the 'LOOK' though it's obviously a serious piece of kit.

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 3 November 2008

So they aren't your colours but you like the build. So why an 8/10? Cheers fella, my bike was at number 11 yesterday

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twinalex's profile image

twinalex said on 2 November 2008

---- Rating and Comments have been removed ----

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jase874's profile image

jase874 said on 2 November 2008

nice colour and great parts. although i wouldn't buy one of these for myself as i think the frame looks too chunky and i dont like the way the suspension works

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 2 November 2008

Fair enough mate. It is chunky but that gives long-term reliability and a solid ride. As for the suspension,what is it that you don't like? The only problem iv found is access to the shock but on the flipside its also protected from slams and mud being thrown up by the rear wheel.

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JamesBrown's profile image

JamesBrown said on 28 October 2008

Nice looking bike! dunno about using as a play bike though! if i had it would be out on it all the time!!

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 29 October 2008

I do use it all the time-when im not, I get withdrawal symptoms! Use it for downhill, trail centre's and biking holidays. Cross country playbiking! Is that a new sub-genre? :)

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rossh93's profile image

rossh93 said on 25 October 2008

niceee bike

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cowman's profile image

cowman said on 25 October 2008

ud see this coming !!

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bobby's profile image

bobby said on 13 October 2008

over bright mate
looks good all the same

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 13 October 2008

You like it bright but not too bright. Got one here

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lewisrae07's profile image

lewisrae07 said on 12 October 2008

looks amazing i love bright green bikes

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baked_bainz's profile image

baked_bainz said on 12 October 2008

did u spray ur bike or did you buy it that colour? wot colour green is it? cos im spraying my rig a bright green. I see it well maintenenced! nice forks =)

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 15 October 2008

Its BB mounted. Some people argue that they are better because if you whack the chain device it will spin instead of ripping iscg tabs out of your frame.

baked_bainz replied... on 13 October 2008

do u know if its a mounted on the bottom bracket or an isgg??

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 13 October 2008

Its an E-13 drs. Came with the bike. Works v well and quiet for a chain device. Shame goldtec don't do a dual manacle, it would be way cheaper

baked_bainz replied... on 13 October 2008

wot chain guide u got on it? cos i notice u got a double chain ring and i also know quake hasn't got a isgg mount ether! (its 4 my hardtail) (oh and im talking to skinsuitsrgay)

baked_bainz replied... on 13 October 2008

nice cheers guys!!

konastinky888 replied... on 12 October 2008

and yeah, the colour is described as 'krypton' by marin. which sounds about as cool as green gets.

konastinky888 replied... on 12 October 2008

alright, did you navigate away from this page then come back using the back button in IE and have to refresh the page? i think thats why these multiple posts come up. its happened to me a few times.

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 12 October 2008

This site doesnt work quite right!

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 12 October 2008

It came in that colour. I think marin call it krypton gloss. New attack trail is same colour and 08 northside trail aswell. Pic was taken just before going to Scotland for a week and a half. Serviced ready for a thrashin!

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 12 October 2008

It came in that colour. I think marin call it krypton gloss. New attack trail is same colour and 08 northside trail aswell. Pic was taken just before going to Scotland for a week and a half. Serviced ready for a thrashin!

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 12 October 2008

It came in that colour. I think marin call it krypton gloss. New attack trail is same colour and 08 northside trail aswell. Pic was taken just before going to Scotland for a week and a half. Serviced ready for a thrashin!

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 12 October 2008

It came in that colour. I think marin call it krypton gloss. New attack trail is same colour and 08 northside trail aswell. Pic was taken just before going to Scotland for a week and a half. Serviced ready for a thrashin!

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DMOONEY's profile image

DMOONEY said on 11 October 2008


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nellybob_'s profile image

nellybob_ said on 11 October 2008

amazing colour get green or yellow rims and it will look even better :P

konastinky888 replied... on 15 October 2008

they are priced mid-range i would have said. i paid £35 per rim for them. no eyelets but are very light and astoundingly tough for the weight of them. and i like the green colour personally, i think most bikes would look a bit odd with bright green rims but this bike can pull it off.

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 13 October 2008

Iv seen that feature. Yeah they are what konastinky888 has on his. Not into them myself but thats cool because every one does their own thing. Im not sure they are eyeletted though and they are v expensive

baked_bainz replied... on 13 October 2008

u can get green spank rims have a look in an old mbuk mag Ian or some 1 had them and they had a green quake they were stunnig!!

konastinky888 replied... on 11 October 2008

yellow rims would just look horrible. i personally like my green rims, although the black rims look fine as well.

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 11 October 2008

Considered it but the frame colour is enough when its in sunlight! Plus the mavics are top quality and work well with the tubeless conversion.

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superwol's profile image

superwol said on 10 October 2008

sweet!! proper pimped bike

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samb's profile image

samb said on 10 October 2008

nice bike .

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jonstot6's profile image

jonstot6 said on 10 October 2008

sweet bike!!

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marquis's profile image

marquis said on 10 October 2008

never gonna loose this if you fall off love the colour.

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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 10 October 2008

i have the same bike. you have pimped yours out more than me though. check mine out. did you have the 66RCV's fitted to this as standard? mine are feeling rotten.

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 10 October 2008

I would, problem with 7" forks is that your feet feel way to far forward from the saddle to pedal uphill. 36's or similar keep the bike more versatile. Shaums March sets his quake up with a 36 when he is doing his training camps

konastinky888 replied... on 10 October 2008

no i ride it uphill too. should i go for a 36?

skinsuitsrgay replied... on 10 October 2008

Yeh, it had 66rcv's originally. They aren't the best. I just went with black because its easy and I think the "krypton gloss" is enough! I had a totem coil fitted at one point but it just made the bike too slack for the inevitable uphills. If you only ever point your bike DH buy them!

konastinky888 replied... on 10 October 2008

i like the black/green look, i was going to go white/green on mine but am thinking of getting a black fork to replace the dodgy '08 66, a totem coil maybe.

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skinsuitsrgay's profile image

skinsuitsrgay said on 9 October 2008

Its a 9.5! I love it but I wish my local shop had black sunline grips in stock!

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My do-it-all playbike. 1.5" Van 36's, Ti roco shock. Hope M4's. Burgtec hubs, bars and Ti-axle pedals. RF Atlas freeride cranks and Thompson finishing kit. Chris King 1.5" headset. Tubeless conversion and homosexual white grips

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