saracen - Mantra one
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saracen - Mantra one


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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baked_bainz's profile image

baked_bainz said on 5 January 2009

ye nice ride to start on xc! i started on a sarasen zen!1
plz rate mine

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marinrider's profile image

marinrider said on 5 January 2009

tektro brakes are awful, they need replacing. Also your stem looks incredibly long.

lappanator replied... on 6 January 2009

the stem isnt that long i just havent boverd putting in down. its only a mantra one so its not gunna be the best lol.

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groveinator's profile image

groveinator said on 15 December 2008

nice bike, but dont use it for downhill it will last a few rides but not all of them.
plz rate my bike

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24seven dh's profile image

24seven dh said on 27 November 2008

gd bike 4 startin mi m8ts gtin into dh wiv his as long as u dnt gt into doin to bigger stuff

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Coilerboii's profile image

Coilerboii said on 24 November 2008

same as the rest really its a nice xc bike but i wouldnt wanna be doin dh on it lol if u do get into dh get it replaced asap!! :)

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DoctorBobrick's profile image

DoctorBobrick said on 24 November 2008

itll manage DH long enough for you to decide if you want to get into it, but will need replacing fast if you do

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downhilldude15's profile image

downhilldude15 said on 24 November 2008

not bad xc bike, but i wouldn't ride it downhill. plz rate my risse racing/TEAM saracen rush DH bike (:

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superwol's profile image

superwol said on 24 November 2008

not a dh bike and its not gona last if you use it as one, your rims are gona bend, the crank will go and your forks will explode lol, but if your just getting in to dh ing it`ll do for a few months, put a shorter stem on it to get your weight back a bit or your gona be going over the bars to much

lappanator replied... on 24 November 2008

yer thanks for the tips. i also do some cross country as well so im a good rider for long distances and that is helped by riding to school everyday as well.

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A Good bike to start with for my first year of mountain biking and cross-country its very fun to use. but will eventully replace for something better, like a kona stinky there one of my fave bikes.

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