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Generalschnieder said on 8 November 2009
It's a Saracen
gt-moto-jay replied... on 2 February 2010
better than your bike cause u ay even got a bike
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saracen4life said on 6 November 2009
Nice bike, i have the same one. there great.
dirtjumper21 said on 5 August 2009
sweat bike like the look of it
dutty bungle said on 28 April 2009
amping up the tude
DMR MAN said on 24 December 2008
looks quite gd, i like the blue forks but ur stems 2 long and ur bars could do with being tiltd bak a bit more what sprocket u running on the front?
gt-moto-jay replied... on 28 December 2008
36 tooth
domisarider said on 18 December 2008
nice bike needs new forks but ive got them so i cant complain:P its good ill give it a 9 rate mine plz
pukeydukey said on 18 December 2008
great bike m8 ded smooth ride need to put a front brake on it tho
dirt_jumpin_chris said on 17 December 2008
---- Rating and Comments have been removed ----
gt-chukar-sam said on 12 December 2008
ok but you need to spray the forks
jabbles21 said on 11 December 2008
Nice but the chainring is too big for my liking, and are they RSTs?:S
downhilldude15 said on 10 December 2008
not bad. plz rate my Team saracen rush
saracen-2k8-anto said on 10 December 2008
the bike is nice but the stem is a bit big would u be up 4 sellin it if so how much and when because i am lookin at 1 for me
saracen-2k8-anto replied... on 1 October 2009
chears 4 sellin me the bike i have changed a few parts and is running gr8 chears jay
saracen-2k8-anto replied... on 24 December 2008
yeye ill give u my contact info nd i shud be able to pick it up 2 mo av a gr8 1 kid
gt-moto-jay replied... on 11 December 2008
sfe anto ye i sell it for 100 pound
v15hal said on 10 December 2008
nice i have the same bike rat my bike plz. the suspension luks to big for the bike
superwol said on 10 December 2008
not bad bikes but i`ve never noticed just how steep the head angle is on these, puts me off a bit and i would loose a couple of spacers and cut your stack height down
DoctorBobrick said on 10 December 2008
heard some good things about these but those frame tubes are toooooooo thin
churchychillin said on 10 December 2008
nice but i dont personnly like the stem
gt-moto-jay said on 10 December 2008
nice bike cause it mine
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Generalschnieder said on 8 November 2009
It's a Saracen
gt-moto-jay replied... on 2 February 2010
better than your bike cause u ay even got a bike
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saracen4life said on 6 November 2009
Nice bike, i have the same one. there great.
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dirtjumper21 said on 5 August 2009
sweat bike like the look of it
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dutty bungle said on 28 April 2009
amping up the tude
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DMR MAN said on 24 December 2008
looks quite gd, i like the blue forks but ur stems 2 long and ur bars could do with being tiltd bak a bit more
what sprocket u running on the front?
gt-moto-jay replied... on 28 December 2008
36 tooth
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domisarider said on 18 December 2008
nice bike needs new forks but ive got them so i cant complain:P its good ill give it a 9 rate mine plz
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pukeydukey said on 18 December 2008
great bike m8 ded smooth ride need to put a front brake on it tho
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dirt_jumpin_chris said on 17 December 2008
---- Rating and Comments have been removed ----
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gt-chukar-sam said on 12 December 2008
ok but you need to spray the forks
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jabbles21 said on 11 December 2008
Nice but the chainring is too big for my liking, and are they RSTs?:S
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downhilldude15 said on 10 December 2008
not bad.
plz rate my Team saracen rush
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saracen-2k8-anto said on 10 December 2008
the bike is nice but the stem is a bit big
would u be up 4 sellin it if so how much and when because i am lookin at 1 for me
saracen-2k8-anto replied... on 1 October 2009
chears 4 sellin me the bike i have changed a few parts and is running gr8 chears jay
saracen-2k8-anto replied... on 24 December 2008
yeye ill give u my contact info nd i shud be able to pick it up 2 mo av a gr8 1 kid
gt-moto-jay replied... on 11 December 2008
sfe anto ye i sell it for 100 pound
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v15hal said on 10 December 2008
nice i have the same bike rat my bike plz. the suspension luks to big for the bike
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superwol said on 10 December 2008
not bad bikes but i`ve never noticed just how steep the head angle is on these, puts me off a bit and i would loose a couple of spacers and cut your stack height down
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DoctorBobrick said on 10 December 2008
heard some good things about these but those frame tubes are toooooooo thin
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churchychillin said on 10 December 2008
nice but i dont personnly like the stem
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gt-moto-jay said on 10 December 2008
nice bike cause it mine
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