apollo - fs.26 se
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apollo - fs.26 se


Battles Won 3
Site Ranking 157
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phillip.burgess96's profile image

phillip.burgess96 said on 11 April 2011


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Dirt Jumper 2's profile image

Dirt Jumper 2 said on 17 January 2009

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spampie replied... on 17 January 2009

forgot to add

spampie replied... on 17 January 2009

yeah halfords do bullshit alotlook at this bike for instence
my gf just bought one and the grips are like 5 cm

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spampie's profile image

spampie said on 1 January 2009

have to really give it 7 out of 10
still a young bike has a few bugs halfords need to sort out the disc brakes scrapin on the pads idiots cant assemble bike right

spampie replied... on 1 January 2009

think ill give that a go 2morow

superwol replied... on 1 January 2009

slacken the caliper off by the two allen bolts that hold it on to the bracket but not right off just enough so the caliper can move, then pull your brake lever in and keep it pressed in and re-tighten the allen bolts, that will line your caliper up

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24seven dh's profile image

24seven dh said on 1 January 2009

ok bu y dont u just save a bit nd buy a 2nd hand one off ebay i brought a p.2 3yrs ago nd it lasted me nd i paid 220 for it last me dh for 2yrs

whn u ride a nice jump bike you will realize how rubish it is last u for a bit if it wz me i would take it back nd save a bit more monney

spampie replied... on 1 January 2009

dont really trust ebay but i might risk it some time after i get a job
really i aim to just start off on small and smooth landing jumps to get used to it

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superwol's profile image

superwol said on 1 January 2009

it`ll do to get you going in this sport, but it will start to drop to bits in a few months especially if your jumping it, as its a pavement mountain bike, once you have bought yourself a proper bike you`ll see the bike for what it is, but when you have no money its alot better than nothing

superwol replied... on 1 January 2009

it`ll break when you start really using it, i promise, not been funny but i could wreck it in one dh run, but it all depends how you ride and what you ride, but once you start to push your limits the bike wont cope

spampie replied... on 1 January 2009

to me its actuly a improvement as my last bike was £40 and wasnt reduce bog standard components did some jumps on it fell apart after a year but i keeped it goin fixin it up every time it needed it till i got fed up and got this

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p.2rider's profile image

p.2rider said on 1 January 2009

apolo is a ripof £189 wat

p.2rider replied... on 1 January 2009

yes but u should of savd a bit more and bort a beter bike

spampie replied... on 1 January 2009

yeah i no but i dont have a job so decent bikes for me are kinda out the qeastion

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DoctorBobrick's profile image

DoctorBobrick said on 1 January 2009

not really that bad considering what it is, those newer suntour forks arent bad... and is that a VP at the back?! :S

spampie replied... on 1 January 2009

kinda a bike book i no basic parts like stem hbars and stuff but was a vp

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i go this bike 26th december 08
so not 2 long ago
i know that it is not a proper jumping/ stunt bike
but if i can preform jumps on a £40 bike this £189 bike should do better (reduced from £300:D)
so far it has faired well again 5 jumps and im still putting it through fine tuning and testing but with the weather bein -2c half the time dont really want to.

so yeah the front reflector and the bell will probly go in a few weeks once they start annoyin me

* dont complain to me on the fact i bought a cheap apollo bike
i dont have a job and have bearly any funding as most my money goes in my cars fuel tank
once i get a job new bike will be comin

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