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bristolfreerider said on 15 March 2010
nice bike, great forks!
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DEEBO said on 16 December 2009
nasty !!!!
identiti666 said on 27 November 2009
sweet bike looks awesome, is that chicksands?
cmpunk said on 26 November 2009
ausem but take the front disk off
Slackerss said on 14 November 2009
sick bike, what forks?
Whytepeak66 said on 25 July 2009
Love the black blenders, nice mods. Rate my blender.
yoho said on 13 July 2009
nice bike do u go to chicksands often. whaty pikes are they
TeeA replied... on 13 August 2009
Ive moved on to F100's now- but they were the Pikes that came by default with the High blender.
jordangreen2009 said on 13 June 2009
nice bike, whats the wheels like? are they good quality? and how has the cranks held up?. Im buying one of these next month. Thanks, rate myne.
antop34 said on 9 June 2009
that is such a lush hardtail. Nothing wrong with it at all.
domb said on 30 March 2009
awsome bike love the colour scheme and the components look sick plz rate my bike 10\10 from me
carochauvin said on 22 February 2009
Tee-A, I only rate bikes I've actually ridden, and I liked the blender a lot. Have fun on it X
TomR said on 13 February 2009
I'm starting to run out of ways of saying 'rad bike' on here but that is proper nice, can't beat a clean looking hardtail!
pudseyp said on 8 February 2009
Very very nice
Hatch said on 8 February 2009
Awesome 4X bike T-A
MiniMadness09 said on 1 February 2009
nice bike m8 rate mine plz
Dan shutler said on 24 January 2009
Cause its a charge and ive got 1 but its not white like mine lol
djvagabon said on 22 January 2009
Nice bike. Ive got the charge duster titanium
dirt blender said on 21 January 2009
nicee hardtail!!!
johnlukewalsh said on 18 January 2009
omg thats fuckin sick :D
daleevans8 said on 17 January 2009
so totaly awsome
towers07 said on 15 January 2009
mmm nice mann rate my giant :)
-24_SEVEN_slacker!SS said on 14 January 2009
sick ride, where is the pic taken ? 10
TeeA replied... on 16 January 2009
Colsey said on 12 January 2009
sweet hardtail so nice!!!
tomdemo7 said on 11 January 2009
very nice bike m8 plz rate mine
Massiv313 said on 5 January 2009
sik bike but what is it (trail hardtail, dirt jump bike :s)? nice forks.
TeeA replied... on 6 January 2009
4X/dirt bike. I use it for 4X mainly, but would also use it for bopping around on singletrack and street.
wadoryu said on 5 January 2009
beautiful i wnt one but cant afford one
wadoryu replied... on 5 January 2009
rate mine m8
nojzilla said on 5 January 2009
looks soo fast! not as fast as mine tho lol wheres the pic taken?
Haha, thanks- I'll have to check it out. Chicksands, in Bedfordshire
groveinator said on 5 January 2009
sweet hardcore hardtail great spec too! rate my bike1
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bristolfreerider said on 15 March 2010
nice bike, great forks!
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DEEBO said on 16 December 2009
nasty !!!!
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identiti666 said on 27 November 2009
sweet bike looks awesome, is that chicksands?
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cmpunk said on 26 November 2009
ausem but take the front disk off
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Slackerss said on 14 November 2009
sick bike, what forks?
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Whytepeak66 said on 25 July 2009
Love the black blenders, nice mods.
Rate my blender.
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yoho said on 13 July 2009
nice bike
do u go to chicksands often.
whaty pikes are they
TeeA replied... on 13 August 2009
Ive moved on to F100's now- but they were the Pikes that came by default with the High blender.
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jordangreen2009 said on 13 June 2009
nice bike, whats the wheels like? are they good quality? and how has the cranks held up?. Im buying one of these next month. Thanks, rate myne.
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antop34 said on 9 June 2009
that is such a lush hardtail. Nothing wrong with it at all.
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domb said on 30 March 2009
awsome bike love the colour scheme and the components look sick plz rate my bike 10\10 from me
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carochauvin said on 22 February 2009
Tee-A, I only rate bikes I've actually ridden, and I liked the blender a lot. Have fun on it X
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TomR said on 13 February 2009
I'm starting to run out of ways of saying 'rad bike' on here but that is proper nice, can't beat a clean looking hardtail!
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pudseyp said on 8 February 2009
Very very nice
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Hatch said on 8 February 2009
Awesome 4X bike T-A
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MiniMadness09 said on 1 February 2009
nice bike m8
rate mine plz
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Dan shutler said on 24 January 2009
Cause its a charge and ive got 1 but its not white like mine lol
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djvagabon said on 22 January 2009
Nice bike. Ive got the charge duster titanium
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dirt blender said on 21 January 2009
nicee hardtail!!!
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johnlukewalsh said on 18 January 2009
omg thats fuckin sick :D
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daleevans8 said on 17 January 2009
so totaly awsome
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towers07 said on 15 January 2009
mmm nice mann
rate my giant :)
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-24_SEVEN_slacker!SS said on 14 January 2009
sick ride, where is the pic taken ? 10
TeeA replied... on 16 January 2009
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Colsey said on 12 January 2009
sweet hardtail so nice!!!
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tomdemo7 said on 11 January 2009
very nice bike m8
plz rate mine
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Massiv313 said on 5 January 2009
sik bike but what is it (trail hardtail, dirt jump bike :s)? nice forks.
TeeA replied... on 6 January 2009
4X/dirt bike.
I use it for 4X mainly, but would also use it for bopping around on singletrack and street.
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wadoryu said on 5 January 2009
beautiful i wnt one but cant afford one
wadoryu replied... on 5 January 2009
rate mine m8
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nojzilla said on 5 January 2009
looks soo fast! not as fast as mine tho lol
wheres the pic taken?
TeeA replied... on 6 January 2009
Haha, thanks- I'll have to check it out.
Chicksands, in Bedfordshire
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groveinator said on 5 January 2009
sweet hardcore hardtail
great spec too!
rate my bike1
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