WeThePeople - Reason 08

WeThePeople - Reason 08


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Site Ranking 172
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dirtjumper4lyf's profile image

dirtjumper4lyf said on 29 April 2010

lush rate mi bmx

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bikinismelife's profile image

bikinismelife said on 24 November 2009

sick , my mate has this and his is fucked cause he doesnt take care of it , but yours is sick =] im getting the 2010 reason for christmas =]

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jak3matthews's profile image

jak3matthews said on 14 November 2009

Very nice, have the same bike in white.

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jumper666's profile image

jumper666 said on 6 November 2009

looks nice i love we the peoples.is that a yellow chain??

Reeco replied... on 6 November 2009

Ta , yeah i love them , but most of the completes are only realy good beginers bikes, when u start getting better there all a bit heavy and the orginal spec on them all is rubbish =/ there frames are pretty good, but again at the price there chucking them out u could get a much better frame :D . And well its supposed to be electric lime acording to shadow conspiracy but is closer to a kinda highlighter yellow, the break lever i got was aparantly neon yellow and its exactly the same colour and the whole aparant "electric lime " range shadow do are all different shades of yellow and green sooo trying to keep the colour scheme is near impossible,personaly i would say its all closer to a neon yellow anyway XD thanks for rating !

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mrmurphy's profile image

mrmurphy said on 4 November 2009

loveing the bike mate i ride a wethepeople to

Reeco replied... on 4 November 2009

ta, wethepeople are pretty epic, i will rate ur bikes =]

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giantman34's profile image

giantman34 said on 1 November 2009

nice are you putting all the parts off that on your new frame?? hopefully going too get those glow in the dark grips what they like?? rate my wethepeople mate

Reeco replied... on 4 November 2009

nah im only taking the stem and back wheel across, everything else is too heavy or will look stupid on a red frame =/, The glow in The dark Grips are good, They have lasted me nearly a year now and i ride most days in the summer and at least 3-4 times a week even in the winter, but uness u have hard hands i advise u get them in thick or battle because they hurt your hands for the first few weeks :) and will do!

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Jonofthejungle's profile image

Jonofthejungle said on 28 August 2009

Nice setup dude.
The chain, pedals, grips look cool!

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gingBMX's profile image

gingBMX said on 27 August 2009

siick beyyy ur bike now looks even beyyy!

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mikemike's profile image

mikemike said on 27 August 2009

I had one of these, but if i were you i would concentrate on upgrading the forks and bars because the forks, bars and frame are all hi-ten steel. Comparing the bike to others 27lb isnt much for those main components. So for the biggest weight save i would upgrade the forks and bars

mikemike replied... on 6 October 2009

yeah my cranks kept coming loose, but not that often so i would keep the cranks untill you completely break them and need to buy a new pair, it looks much better now as well but i would get a pivotal seat and post

Reeco replied... on 27 August 2009

yeah took teh brakes of completley now, and hopefully gunna change the bars soon, forks im gunna change aswell, but my stem nd front wheel have priority over that. i dunno if u had the same problem but did u find the salt cranks its came with kept coming loose??
cheers for rating man

mikemike replied... on 27 August 2009

I would also take off the gyro and the front brake, saves quite a lot of weight

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sean watkins's profile image

sean watkins said on 13 March 2009

nice bike really lk it have a better pic coz cant c it very well
so hers a 10 4 u plz rate my bike

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DMR_DRONE's profile image

DMR_DRONE said on 5 February 2009

nice take off the pegs and the front brake
rate mine

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DirtBmxerInTheMaking's profile image

DirtBmxerInTheMaking said on 9 January 2009

Giving it a ten, as it looks bloody awesome.. looks fly man and the pegss there smashing!

Reeco replied... on 9 January 2009

thanx Bud :D u will have to repost your bike when u got your new parts on theres, that will easily boost it up to a ten :)

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v15hal's profile image

v15hal said on 8 January 2009

nice bmmx. likin the stunt pegs.

v15hal replied... on 2 February 2009

oh yh plz rate my coyote bmx . its not finished yet doe

Reeco replied... on 8 January 2009

cheers man, they do the job.

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baked_bainz's profile image

baked_bainz said on 8 January 2009

ye nice bike!! i quiet like that, and i dont even ride BMX
plz rate mine

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Reeco's profile image

Reeco said on 7 January 2009

Is tough bike, and i wish i could come off as well as it does after every stack, but looks hell of alot better now, pegs dont look as new and im soo cool i went out and bought some new federal glow in the dark grips because im cool ;)

Reeco replied... on 11 February 2009

now pics been updated u can see all that XD

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My Wethepeople reason 08, updated pic :D now has:
coalition 32 t sprocket
Federal thin, glow in the dark grips
Shadow conspiracy interlock V2
chain (electric lime)
Fit DLR Stem
X-posure cleaver lever
United linear cable
X-posure bachelor pad Break pads
S & M seat clamp
Odessy tiwsted pedals ( badly worn XD)
{Custom Back wheel:
Federal V1 Freecoaster
Shadow Conspiracy Rota Rim
Primo Forged Spokes}
salt Cranks (had some major teething problem with these the arm bolt kept coming loose but seems fine now :S after constantly having to tighten it for about a year)
all the other stuff (seat post, front wheel etc) are salt or wethepeople and i can assure the rest of the salt parts will be replaced soon !
Replacing the frame near christmas with a Mutiny loosefer!

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