Gary Fisher - Kingfisher
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Gary Fisher - Kingfisher


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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Azais17's profile image

Azais17 said on 6 July 2010

nice like the forks

Rudders replied... on 6 July 2010

Got rid of the Manipoo's. Got Totem's now with a 9 inch disk upgrade:

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hird1994's profile image

hird1994 said on 30 June 2010

nice bike, how are they iv been offered one for a good price, ride wise how are they?

Rudders replied... on 1 July 2010

Cheers. I like it a lot. I've played around with the shock a lot and seem to have found a happy medium for where I ride. It soaks up the big stuff and handles pretty well on the way down. It's pretty heavy but the seat is quite forward so it helps you put the power down when pedalling up hill. Have you had a test ride?

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johnlukewalsh's profile image

johnlukewalsh said on 25 May 2010

looks pimp, i will be king fisher

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tayo's profile image

tayo said on 28 January 2009

awesome. pls r8 mine

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DoctorBobrick's profile image

DoctorBobrick said on 28 January 2009

looks a lil ugly and not keen on the colours but nice!

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ben2oo8's profile image

ben2oo8 said on 27 January 2009

nice bike m8 thnks for the rating u have smooth ride

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ashley_photog's profile image

ashley_photog said on 27 January 2009

Can't give you anything less than a ten, built my AS-X in the same way, to be moreusable than just DH. looks C H U N K Y ! I prefer Marzocchi forks too.

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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 26 January 2009

looks good personally i would like to see some totems, 36's or 66's on it.

Rudders replied... on 26 January 2009

Cheers. I'm not in a hurry to change the forks just yet. They are working brilliantly at the moment. Not sure what I would get though. I'm a bit of a Marzocchi fan at heart.

Rudders replied... on 26 January 2009

Cheers. I'm not in a hurry to change the forks just yet. They are working brilliantly at the moment. Not sure what I would get though. I'm a bit of a Marzocchi fan at heart.

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Jake_G1's profile image

Jake_G1 said on 26 January 2009

looks very nice!
whats the spec??

Rudders replied... on 26 January 2009

Oh forgot to add...
- Fox DHX 4.0 rear shock.

Rudders replied... on 26 January 2009

- Manitou Travis 180mm, 1.5" steerer.
- Bontrager Big Earl cranks, E13 40t ring.
- Bontrager Big Earl wheels and hubs.
- Bontrager Big Earl handlebars.
- E13 SRS MTX.
- New style Shimano XT rear derailleur.
- Bontrager Big Earl pedals with longer pins.
- Hayes HFX Mag brakes.
- Maxxis Highrollers.

Front bearings have gone and rear wheel is buckled so I have just bought some white Halo SAS wheels. Also got some white Funn FatBoy handlebars and grey Funn Combat grips coming. Will post some new pics when fitted.

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witny's profile image

witny said on 26 January 2009

Nice bike. I have the same one but 2005 version.

What are the rotors? I'm guessing they are standard Hayes HFX Mag brakes?

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Rudders replied... on 26 January 2009

Hi, rotors are Alligator Ti-Ni. They don't warp and jingle like the Hayes rotors. Also a bit lighter. I'm also using Unex pads with the Kevlar layer to get rid of heat. Seem to work OK. Got both from fleabay. Yes the brakes are standard Hayes but with BFL levers.

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Moody92's profile image

Moody92 said on 26 January 2009

sweet set up, what du u us it for?

Rudders replied... on 26 January 2009

Hi, cheers for the vote. I use it for everything. Downhill, ripping up the trails and dirt jumping. It's actually quite a good climber as well. Got some upgrades on the way.

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nookie's profile image

nookie said on 26 January 2009

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Gary Fisher Kingfisher

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