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jason the bike said on 29 January 2010
should of left it stock like mine its got gud parts on but i would have those wheels any day
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thomasali said on 20 February 2009
Looks pretty battered, and the bits used aint that great.
groveinator said on 27 January 2009
looks greAT sort the crank out the it will be sweet! please rate my bikes!
baked_bainz said on 27 January 2009
sort out the cranks and the chainrings!! nd ur gonna need slacker brake cable to pull barspins thanx for my rating!
thegardener said on 26 January 2009
nice, just like the other guy said, sort out the front chain rings.... switch the outer chain ring for a bash and just loose the little ring if its still on there. other than that, looking good, nice and simple. waht you think of my rides?
Jake_G1 said on 26 January 2009
spec looks good, sort the cranks and chainrings out and give it a clean and it'll look a lot nicer i expect
connor replied... on 27 January 2009
yeah im getting it all serviced and cleaned.. thnx 4 the comment
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jason the bike said on 29 January 2010
should of left it stock like mine its got gud parts on but i would have those wheels any day
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thomasali said on 20 February 2009
Looks pretty battered, and the bits used aint that great.
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groveinator said on 27 January 2009
looks greAT sort the crank out the it will be sweet!
please rate my bikes!
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baked_bainz said on 27 January 2009
sort out the cranks and the chainrings!! nd ur gonna need slacker brake cable to pull barspins
thanx for my rating!
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thegardener said on 26 January 2009
nice, just like the other guy said, sort out the front chain rings.... switch the outer chain ring for a bash and just loose the little ring if its still on there. other than that, looking good, nice and simple. waht you think of my rides?
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Jake_G1 said on 26 January 2009
spec looks good, sort the cranks and chainrings out and give it a clean and it'll look a lot nicer i expect
connor replied... on 27 January 2009
yeah im getting it all serviced and cleaned.. thnx 4 the comment
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