Felt - Compulsion 2 SE 2008 Limited edition
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Felt - Compulsion 2 SE 2008 Limited edition

XC / Enduro

Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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MTB Deals

JayR2010's profile image

JayR2010 said on 31 July 2011

nice i love the pikes:)

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swaino777's profile image

swaino777 said on 9 July 2011

sexy piece of kit that mate

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Robskaz's profile image

Robskaz said on 3 July 2011

Nice bike !! Any chance of moderating my new pics please?

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KonaboltJoe's profile image

KonaboltJoe said on 31 May 2011

Awesome bike u got there!

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JakeStani's profile image

JakeStani said on 14 April 2011

Nice ride fella, love felt, they make good bikes. Bet it set you back a bit

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Biker21's profile image

Biker21 said on 27 March 2011

nice bike m8 nice components

rate my bike plz

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easilee's profile image

easilee said on 1 March 2011

canny lookin beast//it would look better dirty

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nathan83's profile image

nathan83 said on 30 January 2011

sweet ride mate, nice spec. rate my kona cheers

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Dunk82's profile image

Dunk82 said on 7 January 2011

cool bike I like them in white.

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sixsixone's profile image

sixsixone said on 31 December 2010

Love these frames dude ! :D

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TagumTrailRider's profile image

TagumTrailRider said on 31 December 2010

yeah! a FELT bike! a 10/10 from me!
I have a felt too!

please rate my bike,

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MountainBikerChris's profile image

MountainBikerChris said on 21 October 2010

Craking bike mate!

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Felt MTB's profile image

Felt MTB said on 10 October 2010

WOW!! It's great bike.

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bradley27's profile image

bradley27 said on 18 September 2010

looks so nice, love the decals, rate my bike please :)

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Goober's profile image

Goober said on 16 September 2010

Looks extra plush dude

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KarmicReaper's profile image

KarmicReaper said on 3 September 2010

It's nice, very nice but not quite my cup of tea. It's the bash guard and seatpost that ruins the overall look and not really a fan of WTB rims. I wish I had Mint Sauce decals on mine though! :)

mega_waster replied... on 4 September 2010

Thanks for the comments. Have to say though, the bash guard and seat post are purely functional parts that change the bike from a nice all round trail bike to an amazingly agressive yet verstile bike. I rarely used the big ring but I did bash it on stuff so it made sense to go for double with bash when I went for the SLX chainset. Truvative = poo. If you want to jump, drop and hit the steep bumpy stuff you need to drop your seat but you'll want it up for the climbs. Start, stop, start, stop. Sodd that. The Gravity dropper is ugly there's no doubt but I can go from perfect peddalling height to 4 inch drop with a flick of the handle bar remote or drop it just an inch so I can pedal hard over that bumpy section. It always comes back to exactly the same height meaning there's no adjusting, no stopping and no getting off the bike. Looks are way down the list for me. Function and the riding experience comes above everything else. I've no problems with the WTB rims. The rear Deore hub didn't last long and eventually I'd like to go for Hope pro 2 hubs on mavic 521 rims. From now on I only want kit that will last and is easily serviced.

Ha! those Mint Sauce decals don't have even a single sheep in sight. Booo... or should I say baaa.

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mong's profile image

mong said on 19 August 2010

well thats a bit nice !!

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Dolner24's profile image

Dolner24 said on 15 July 2010

Cool bike!!!!

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NatezDirtJumps's profile image

NatezDirtJumps said on 26 June 2010

nice bike nice shape to the frame, seat post looks funky haha looks comfortable overall good looking bike

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ash.addy's profile image

ash.addy said on 24 June 2010

Nice Looking ride hope the anchors are OK and you're enjoying it.

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nemo2k8's profile image

nemo2k8 said on 8 May 2010

looking good !!

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Kie88's profile image

Kie88 said on 25 April 2010

sexy bike m8 ! .. love it ha !! ....

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bike pr0's profile image

bike pr0 said on 17 April 2010

wow pretty come rate my bike

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well's profile image

well said on 16 April 2010

thats a beast!!!

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jord's profile image

jord said on 10 April 2010

tidy bike pal :-)

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rb246's profile image

rb246 said on 22 March 2010

nice bike...

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deanr1979's profile image

deanr1979 said on 13 March 2010

quality bike mate. easy 10/10

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Biker_jez's profile image

Biker_jez said on 7 March 2010

Love it, very nice mate. How does the bouncy seat effect your rear suspension? Lovely forks:)

mega_waster replied... on 7 March 2010

Bouncy seat? hmmm. Do you think the gravity dropper is like added suspension in the seat post? Na, it's a way of lowering and raising your seat without stopping. It doesn't affect the bike although it does add a little bit of weight.

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bristolfreerider's profile image

bristolfreerider said on 3 March 2010

mint bike, awesome forks
rate mine plz!

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SONICDEATH's profile image

SONICDEATH said on 27 February 2010

very nice,like the look of that,very clean lines,what size stem you run?

mega_waster replied... on 28 February 2010

medium frame has 80mm stem on wiggle's spec list.

mega_waster replied... on 28 February 2010

never checked. came as stock on the bike.

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showyluke's profile image

showyluke said on 24 February 2010

top ride can u rate mine

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!!!MARK!!!'s profile image

!!!MARK!!! said on 13 February 2010

Nice bike with quality parts on it
Can you leave a message on my profile about the SLX Crankset
I am thinking of getting them soon but want some opinions first :)

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Gazz's profile image

Gazz said on 28 January 2010

sweet ride dude, very nice set up though...
im not a fan of juicy threes bute each to their own

mega_waster replied... on 29 January 2010

I've just replaced the J3's. They're not a terrible brake but I want to take my riding a step further and do one finger braking. J3's just don't have anything like the kind of power needed for that. Got me some Avid Elixir CR's so I'll update the pic and spec shortly. Got an E13 DRS too. Jumping and rough descents always throws the chain.

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mtnbikerchris's profile image

mtnbikerchris said on 25 January 2010

Great Bike! Superb quality.

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culpzy's profile image

culpzy said on 24 January 2010

nice spec :D juicy 3 FTW!

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ben532's profile image

ben532 said on 10 January 2010

nice bike mate can u rate mine plz

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db Beta's profile image

db Beta said on 7 January 2010

very nice mate, rate my diamondback please

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SynysterJake's profile image

SynysterJake said on 5 December 2009

nice bike dude

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Aggression's profile image

Aggression said on 5 December 2009

Looks awesome, I was gunna get X9 for my bike they any good?

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bumpybeginner's profile image

bumpybeginner said on 28 November 2009

that is one awsome ride

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ejcrasher's profile image

ejcrasher said on 23 November 2009

nice bike mate

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addi's profile image

addi said on 13 November 2009

Great bike, i've got number 154!

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dirtjumper21's profile image

dirtjumper21 said on 9 November 2009

nice bike n sweet forks

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mtbgrant661's profile image

mtbgrant661 said on 7 November 2009

love your bike.looks nice.can u rate myn plz

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mtbjack661's profile image

mtbjack661 said on 7 November 2009

nice bike m8 rate mine plz

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simonthegas's profile image

simonthegas said on 4 November 2009

awesome lookin bike love the limited edition factor too

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fiveus's profile image

fiveus said on 22 October 2009

Nice looking bike..definetly worth a 9 saddle looksa bit big or is just lol

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Ben Hurst's profile image

Ben Hurst said on 19 October 2009

nice bike i want it! i might get those forks for my bike

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bubz's profile image

bubz said on 17 October 2009


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chiefguzzy12's profile image

chiefguzzy12 said on 14 October 2009

ahh, a felt they are nice bikes. that deserves a 10.

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salarsatti123's profile image

salarsatti123 said on 14 October 2009

very nice bike, love the pikes

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bikergirl_17's profile image

bikergirl_17 said on 30 September 2009

Thats really nice :D
rate my bikes please

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MattBooker's profile image

MattBooker said on 27 September 2009

A bit xc but ok i suppose. Put a fat coil shock on the back an come do some downhill races with us

mega_waster replied... on 30 September 2009

races you say?! Well, I'll have to think about that one...

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riddler820's profile image

riddler820 said on 23 September 2009

my mates silling his one of these number 140 summin outa 300
is an ok bike

mega_waster replied... on 24 September 2009

yeah, I'm pretty pleased. Got an iffy set of pikes with mine but they replaced them for me. Now the bottom bracket has play in it so more hassle there. I don't rate the truvlative bb's at all. I've had a few 10/10's but it's just people being polite I think. Being limited edition makes it sound cool but it's really just about the paint job. They only made 300 of the white ones with the mbuk mint sauce graphics. It's a true all-rounder though. I've even been flinging it around in the bike park at Glentress and it doesn't mind one bit. Seems compfortable on the jumps. Ideal bike for me. Tough and up for anything!

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Dirt Jumper 94's profile image

Dirt Jumper 94 said on 5 September 2009

very nice love to get 1 of these

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neverFELTsogood's profile image

neverFELTsogood said on 14 August 2009

Got to be a 10 for a fellow felt rider!Hope your having fun on this beauty

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Wollis's profile image

Wollis said on 9 August 2009

Nice bike matey, I generally only rate bikes that I think deserve a nine or a ten (unless I'm feeling very generous!) so you're one of the privalidged(sp?)few! Great "All Mountain" bike with a spec to match, looks great too

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jay12's profile image

jay12 said on 9 August 2009

i'm suprised that a limited edition bike has juicy 3's nevertheless it's sweet

mega_waster replied... on 9 August 2009

You think they're rubbish? Most manufacturers try to save some money on some aspect of their bikes. I think Felt figured the J3's would do...and they do. I'm not a really heavy rider so I think unless I start doing mile upon mile of hardcore descent those juicy's will handle pretty everything I can throw at them. I did think a lot about upgrading when I damaged the front brake but I opted to just replace it like for like. I've kept it for spare parts.

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nojzilla's profile image

nojzilla said on 5 August 2009

big 10 for the mint sauce limited ed!! an the pike,im a fan of the pike!!

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Lc24seven's profile image

Lc24seven said on 4 August 2009

sweet ride m8
Check out my 24seven plz

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GTChucker1996's profile image

GTChucker1996 said on 2 August 2009

Fukin SWEET!

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Jonez's profile image

Jonez said on 1 August 2009

nice bike love the colours

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hird1994's profile image

hird1994 said on 24 July 2009

nice bike looks to have some great components

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ducs's profile image

ducs said on 24 July 2009

Looks like one hell of an all-mountain bike! 10 just for the rarity =)

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ehtkhr's profile image

ehtkhr said on 21 July 2009


I just had one of these bad boys stolen from my shed. If you get offered one take great care. if the frame number finishes with ....0758. I loved that bike, although I had just had to have the front suspension fixed after 3 months of riding (not great)

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Jonofthejungle's profile image

Jonofthejungle said on 16 July 2009

Very nice setup dude!

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Dirt_Jumper_101's profile image

Dirt_Jumper_101 said on 12 July 2009

very very very NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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djdragonfly's profile image

djdragonfly said on 9 July 2009

nice looking bike is that the mint sauce bike ? i like black and white my self have a 10 it's well worth it

mega_waster replied... on 16 July 2009

yep the limited edition mint sauce decals

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FLOW_JUMPER's profile image

FLOW_JUMPER said on 4 July 2009

hmmmmmmmmmm it nice more coulor it would be perfect

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subzeropoo's profile image

subzeropoo said on 4 July 2009

i sor 1 of these the other day & iv always wanted 1 since the mbuk competition. iv jus sold my heckler & that was a bril trail beast but now got a heavy dh rig that i still try & ride up the hills but not 2 fast & got a couple of hardtails but ther 2 harsh on my hand (nicely shatered last year). defo get 1 of those fly ajustment saddles as its a pain when u get to a nice section & have 2 stop to put the seat dwn,but dnt get 1 with the thumb lever as ther pritty expensive 2 replace if you have a crash!

mega_waster replied... on 26 September 2009

cheers for the tip

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Wowiee!'s profile image

Wowiee! said on 3 July 2009

thats one bad ass bike 10/10 my friend

sorry mr Bad-ass mofo for the swearing :(

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dirtymunkey's profile image

dirtymunkey said on 2 July 2009

Very nice rare ride there mate. Cheers for the comment, yeah quite similar bikes really, how do you rate the PIKES?

mega_waster replied... on 24 July 2009

Boooo! off off off off!

mega_waster replied... on 5 July 2009

Well, I do lke the pikes a lot but mine had to go back because they're became faulty. Lost almost all their travel. Sorted now. People tell me it's rare for the pikes to have problems.

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speccy_p1_dj09's profile image

speccy_p1_dj09 said on 2 July 2009

nice bike mate. don't get the point of "bob reducing equilink" because doesn't the fox float have lockout for climbs anyways. if it was mine i'd have carbon monkeybars, fsa carbon stem and hope techm4 brakes with braiders and floaters. 10.

mega_waster replied... on 24 September 2009

yeah. the equilink stops the suspension from sucking up your pedal strokes. All you have to do is keep your pedaling smooth and avoid standing up when climbing and the rear shock absorbs the bumps but ignores the pedal strokes. It works too. You don't want to be messing on with your shock every 2 minutes in my opinion. The equilink is not for riders who like to stand up on the climbs though. Do that and it'll be like jogging on a bouncey castle.

superwol replied... on 10 July 2009

you dont just pedal up hill tho, so why lock the shock to ride on the flat or downwards trails, you might as well buy a hardtail and save a load of dosh then?

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jamesf348's profile image

jamesf348 said on 15 June 2009

I love the look of these. Nice bike. Only thing id do is change the triple ring situ. Twin and bash job.

mega_waster replied... on 16 July 2009

Had to buy a whole new brake. Defo damaged it in that crash. £60. Dammit!

mega_waster replied... on 30 June 2009

Seem to have damaged the front lever. Bent a bloody shifter the other week. £30 for a new one! £30... My arse! I stuck a deore one on that I had knocking about. That'll do for now. I'll bear that in mind for the pads. It's in the shop getting bled and checked over.

jamesf348 replied... on 15 June 2009

May i suggest putting some Green stuff pads in ure juicys. I put them in mine when i had my rockhopper, and they performed much better.

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Vickers1493's profile image

Vickers1493 said on 14 June 2009

nice bike 25 annevesary aswell,awsome

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D4Y13's profile image

D4Y13 said on 11 June 2009

Rate Mine plz

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B!k3R F0rD's profile image

B!k3R F0rD said on 31 May 2009

loving it ...
i dont know alot about Mtb/ Dh bikes but i know enough to know that that is mint . =)

B!k3R F0rD replied... on 5 June 2009

ok tar =)

mega_waster replied... on 31 May 2009

It's not a DH bike mate. It's like a cross between DH and cross country. You get the fat tyres and longer travel suspension from DH combined with frame geomertry and pedalability (a new word I just invented now) of XC. Add stronger wheels than XC and a tougher frame and you have an All-mountain or trail bike. Heavier than a true XC bike but you can still ride it up hill. It'll handle some light DH but that would really be it's limit.

B!k3R F0rD replied... on 31 May 2009

wow that sentence is confusing ? :S lmao :P

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king of big air's profile image

king of big air said on 30 May 2009

nice bike m8!!

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kira's profile image

kira said on 24 May 2009

for an all mountain bike its pretty sweet buddy, however (and im sure others will criticize me for this) i found that the Avid juicy 3's where an OK break at the best of times, im not sure about yours but my old ones just didnt work. The frame and forks are lush and the drive terrain is nice and reliable. One question though, do you ever use this for downhill?

kira replied... on 23 June 2009

oh right kool thanks for the reply mate =)

mega_waster replied... on 24 May 2009

hey kira, I have to say no to the DH. Don't get me wrong. I love aggressive descents and I like to jump, drop-off, and pop-off all manner of trail obstacles which this bike is perfect for. I just don't have the balls or the inclination to go do serious DH. I think it's the pushing which puts me off most. That and my wrecked back. I'm very happy with those J3's so far. Good stoppers. Nice control using two finger braking. No complaints at all really.

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lukepenny's profile image

lukepenny said on 4 May 2009

nice ride man! That equilink thing is really good my mate has one. These bikes a bargain for the spec you get on them and they look wicked!

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rider_rocky_orion's profile image

rider_rocky_orion said on 23 April 2009

really nice m8 i really like that rate my dmr plezz

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D3LFY's profile image

D3LFY said on 16 April 2009

oooo la la :)

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ross_e's profile image

ross_e said on 15 April 2009

i have to say... that looks great, rate mine please :)

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Samcentral's profile image

Samcentral said on 10 April 2009

Dude one quick question are the avid 3's any good? anyway kick ass bike.

mega_waster replied... on 24 September 2009

turns out the shop doesnt build your bike ready for one finger braking. you need to move the brake to the inside of the shifter, adjust the reach on the lever and ta-dah! Thanks Andy from Dirt School. I'm off to practice.

mega_waster replied... on 16 July 2009

Had to buy a whole new brake in the end. i'll have to try to be more careful in future.

mega_waster replied... on 5 July 2009

Now I've had some time the J3's I'm not so happy. The front lever has gone all to hell. It sticks out a mile and has lost it's reach adjustment and I don't trust it any more since it seems spongy with almost random bite points meaning you brake too much then not enough. Can't buy the levers on their own either so it's £60 for a new front brake or try and get a used one. There is light damage on the lever and I did have a bit of an off not so long ago so maybe I've knackered it. Arse!

mega_waster replied... on 10 April 2009

Well, i can't say I've pushed them to the absolute max but they do seem decent. Not great if you want to do one finger braking. Maybe they can be adjusted but I jam my index finger between the lever and the bar. Two fingers seems to be the way for those levers. Not had them long either. You looking to buy some?

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wadoryu's profile image

wadoryu said on 2 April 2009

i so wanted one of these

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HaydonCD's profile image

HaydonCD said on 29 March 2009

Nice bike mate, I like the frame and top tube angles, it looks fast and responsive but ready to eat up whatever you chuck it at

mega_waster replied... on 30 March 2009

Cheers mate.

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TonyJacobs's profile image

TonyJacobs said on 24 February 2009

nice bike m8 ad luv 1

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Dingo2024's profile image

Dingo2024 said on 22 February 2009

Nice, take a 10 from me; not too long before I get my freedom back and we can catch up. Its been ages since I got my bike dirty!!!

mega_waster replied... on 22 February 2009

Cheers. Aye a bike like yours shouldn't be allowed to sit in the house getting bored you know!

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TheFoxx's profile image

TheFoxx said on 22 February 2009

Love the idea of the reduced "pedal induced suspension bob", Does it work though?? Wouldn't change a thing, its a good clean machine and you gotta love Mint Sauce.

mega_waster replied... on 22 February 2009

Well the Equilink system does seem to work. I don't notice any bounce from the rear on climbs. The fork actually moves more than the rear on the ups. However, if you stand up to pedal whether that's up or down hill, the back end becomes like a bouncey castle. Suits me though.

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MiniMadness09's profile image

MiniMadness09 said on 17 February 2009

really nice bike
rate mine plz :)

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ashley_photog's profile image

ashley_photog said on 16 February 2009

that's a fine looking Bike there Mr Mega, especially for the price you got it for. take care of it and it'll do you proud!

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ckflip's profile image

ckflip said on 9 February 2009

Very nice, you just need some muck on it to give it an initiation to the world of offroad riding. The wind down on the forks will come in really handy for those long up i know you like.

mega_waster replied... on 10 February 2009

tut, come on clive. You said you wanted to do some trail riding did you not!? Push indeed. You can cut off a big section of boring uphill from that trail and skip the black section of the return route to really minimise the climbs. Obviously you miss the descents too. You not fancy a trip out on the old Giant for some fitness work?

ckflip replied... on 10 February 2009

Flippin heck mate you still trying to get me to ride up things or did you mean push up and hammer down. We need to hit some jumps, just get the single speed conversion kit on the new rig and .... oh no that would be stupid!!!!

mega_waster replied... on 9 February 2009

cheers bud. Got it dirty twice now. Not much fun washing them in the icey cold. Got a nice winter jacket and gloves now which is a big improvement. Not used the wind down yet but I did lock em out for a ride from the bottom of chopwell to the top. Need to get some proper trail riding in. Maybe Kielder some time soon. You still haven't done the deadwater trails have you?

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DMR_DRONE's profile image

DMR_DRONE said on 5 February 2009


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Dirt Jumper 2's profile image

Dirt Jumper 2 said on 5 February 2009

---- Rating and Comments have been removed ----

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p.2rider's profile image

p.2rider said on 2 February 2009

nice mate bet u cant wait to get out on tat baby

p.2rider replied... on 10 April 2009

bye the way you should get some 66 rc forks 07

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kalom's profile image

kalom said on 2 February 2009

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hardcoreHT..15 replied... on 29 November 2009

do you like crack cocain?

kalom replied... on 17 April 2009

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mega_waster replied... on 24 February 2009

I've rated that comment by kalom down because it's pretty ill thought out. nobody would do that to a bike lke this.

ashley_photog replied... on 16 February 2009

Don't laugh, I know someone who's got Unicycle!

konastinky888 replied... on 3 February 2009

you could do what you suggest but get a 29er rear wheel and go for the 'penny farthing' look.

mega_waster replied... on 2 February 2009

Long term I was thinking I'd put pedals on the front wheel and just bin the rest of the bike because what i was really after was a unicycle... *quietly bangs head repeatedly against table*

konastinky888 replied... on 2 February 2009

yeah that would ruin it, it would have no gears to get uphill, no gears to get down and no brakes (only one) for descents as well.

superwol replied... on 2 February 2009

thats kinda spoiling the type of bike it is, its not a street/dirt rig its an all mountain machine so one break and single speed has no place

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DoctorBobrick's profile image

DoctorBobrick said on 1 February 2009

Nice new bike mate :D Will be a great change from the giant :P

ashley_photog replied... on 16 February 2009

your giant's wierd....it's got eye's

mega_waster replied... on 1 February 2009

Ta, the poor little Giant is all lonely in the corner. I feel guilty when it looks at me with it's sad little ...eyes?

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rossh93's profile image

rossh93 said on 1 February 2009

looks good.
good spec and looks resonably light.
bet it rides well

PauuuuuL replied... on 16 June 2009

15kg is light as alot pre built HARDTAILS are over 15kg ... My jump bike is a joke ... 8.54KG haha ... But its a hardtail with no front brake and have lightened everythin, But i would be very happy with 15KG Fully

mega_waster replied... on 1 February 2009

Aye I think it comes in at about 33lbs which is just under 15kg. room for improvement but there's no rush

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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 1 February 2009

thats a very smart looking bike (very clean too).

mega_waster replied... on 2 February 2009

very sharp

konastinky888 replied... on 2 February 2009

yeah it needs moredirt lol.

mega_waster replied... on 1 February 2009

Thanks, first ride today so I doubt it'll be that clean again.

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superwol's profile image

superwol said on 1 February 2009

sweet ride mate, there a good looking bike, i think the only thing i would change on it would be to put an e13 drs on, but i know you like your pedaling so you want your gears, if you start really thrashing the rock gardens then i would consider one if i was you

ashley_photog replied... on 16 February 2009

I'd love one too, but the cost and the fact the one I want dosen't come in my size put's an end to that. :-(

mega_waster replied... on 2 February 2009

Shut up. You know you want one too!

superwol replied... on 2 February 2009

thats just lazy, you mean you cant be bothered to stop and get off to lower your saddle? i think its a perfect excuse to stop for a breather haha

mega_waster replied... on 1 February 2009

Cheers mate. You know what i'd really like, one of those on the fly adjustable seat posts. It's hard to justify spending upwards of £100 on a seat post though.

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This is number 76 of only 300 made. The limited edition bikes celebrate 20 years of MBUK magazine and come in gloss white, dressed in their Sunday best Mint Sauce decals.

It's a 140mm travel All-mountain machine which uses the Felt Equillink system to resist pedal-induced suspension bob making this baby good on the ups as well as capable on the downs.
Now upraded with Avid Elixir CR brakes, E13 DRS chain retention system, SLX double ring with bash guard and on-the-fly adjustable seat post for a more aggressive and versitile set up. Oh yeah!

Fork: RockShox Pike 454 U-turn
Rear Shock: Fox Float R Air
Seat post: Gravity Dropper Turbo with bar mounted remote.
Brakes: Avid Elixir CR Hydraulic.
Cranks: Shimano SLX Double ring with bash.
Chain device: E13 DRS.
Bottom Bracket: Shimano Slx.
Rear Derailleur:Sram X-9.
Front Derailleur:Shimano XTR.
Shifters:SRAM X-7 front. X-9 rear.
Wheels: WTB Dual Duty FR with Shimano hub up front and Mavic 521 on Hope Pro 2 bringing up the rear.
Tyres:Maxxis Ignitor 26x2.35
Pedals: DMR V8 flats.
Saddle, Stem, Handlebar and Chainstay protector are all by Felt.

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