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Dirt Jump / Street
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NOW £4,399.00 RRP £8,250.00 | SAVE 47%
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NOW £49.99 RRP £150.00 | SAVE 67%
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tombrass2 said on 16 June 2011
nice brass mate love the colours on it rate my brass cheers
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nickj213 said on 27 December 2009
great bike bit heavy but outstanding quality,forks are a bit to hard even for a jump bike but they will do for me now i love it :):):):):):):):):)
evanALMIGHTY said on 26 December 2009
Great bike man, just not too sure about the crankset. Other than that it is stunning! Rate my ride :D
dirtjumper21 said on 19 June 2009
nice colour skime
Mudman said on 11 May 2009
thinking of getting one myself, what are they like to ride/jump???
chaserboy! said on 7 March 2009
not to keen on the colours. and not very good parts.
nickj213 replied... on 27 December 2009
wahat do u mean bad colours
jackoh_95 said on 7 March 2009
seat reflector to many gears go single speed just not that nice m8 !
thornstar82 replied... on 29 June 2011
thats abit sad just because it has a reflector and isnt single speed bloody terrible when you pay for your own bike instead of your parents then you can comment like that :(
nookie said on 7 March 2009
positives: colour scheme, rims and stem. negatives: cable brakes, and the seat reflector!
bikerboywill said on 7 March 2009
its ok but there are many parts which let it down
Lc24seven said on 7 March 2009
mint bike mate wht forks are they?? rate my bike
evanALMIGHTY replied... on 26 December 2009
RST I think...
HuGeZZy said on 6 March 2009
mint byke m8
seaton 2009 replied... on 20 March 2009
seaton 2009 said on 5 March 2009
rate my bike plz!!!
milan-ese said on 5 March 2009
looks good! just put it singlespeed and it'll b perfect ;) rate mien pls
MiniMadness09 said on 5 March 2009
.lovely bike m8. .was thinkin of gettin one. .rate mine please.
19micky94 said on 5 March 2009
mint bike m8
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tombrass2 said on 16 June 2011
nice brass mate love the colours on it rate my brass cheers
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nickj213 said on 27 December 2009
great bike bit heavy but outstanding quality,forks are a bit to hard even for a jump bike but they will do for me now
i love it :):):):):):):):):)
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evanALMIGHTY said on 26 December 2009
Great bike man, just not too sure about the crankset. Other than that it is stunning!
Rate my ride :D
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dirtjumper21 said on 19 June 2009
nice colour skime
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Mudman said on 11 May 2009
thinking of getting one myself, what are they like to ride/jump???
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chaserboy! said on 7 March 2009
not to keen on the colours.
and not very good parts.
nickj213 replied... on 27 December 2009
wahat do u mean bad colours
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jackoh_95 said on 7 March 2009
seat reflector to many gears go single speed just not that nice m8 !
thornstar82 replied... on 29 June 2011
thats abit sad just because it has a reflector and isnt single speed bloody terrible when you pay for your own bike instead of your parents then you can comment like that :(
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nookie said on 7 March 2009
positives: colour scheme, rims and stem.
negatives: cable brakes, and the seat reflector!
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bikerboywill said on 7 March 2009
its ok but there are many parts which let it down
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Lc24seven said on 7 March 2009
mint bike mate
wht forks are they??
rate my bike
evanALMIGHTY replied... on 26 December 2009
RST I think...
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HuGeZZy said on 6 March 2009
mint byke m8
seaton 2009 replied... on 20 March 2009
seaton 2009 replied... on 20 March 2009
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seaton 2009 said on 5 March 2009
rate my bike plz!!!
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milan-ese said on 5 March 2009
looks good! just put it singlespeed and it'll b perfect ;)
rate mien pls
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MiniMadness09 said on 5 March 2009
.lovely bike m8.
.was thinkin of gettin one.
.rate mine please.
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19micky94 said on 5 March 2009
mint bike m8
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