Foes - 2:1 DHS Mono
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Foes - 2:1 DHS Mono


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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green_bighitbeast's profile image

green_bighitbeast said on 20 August 2012

is that a gas shock on the back if so its huge would like that gett negative air bloody hell it hapend to my dads fox float and that was only 5" and he had to twist to it to get it to blow the negative air lol

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chrismcg1's profile image

chrismcg1 said on 5 July 2011

Nice bike. Havent seen one of these before. Looks mega tough with a great spec. That air cans a monsta!

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ejcrasher's profile image

ejcrasher said on 30 January 2011

thats lush i love it but would change one thing... the brakes to moto v2

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Excalibur's profile image

Excalibur said on 24 September 2010

Nice man, foes are sweet :)

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jimbobz07's profile image

jimbobz07 said on 31 July 2010

bloody hell you got a rpg on ya bike haha , just kidding this thing is a machine !!!

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superdrysmurf's profile image

superdrysmurf said on 31 May 2010

i think i'd hurt myself on that but looks kewl!

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sx3nick's profile image

sx3nick said on 18 January 2010

Always loved Foes. Those Curnutt shocks are huge!

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DEEBO's profile image

DEEBO said on 16 December 2009

a little dull and damn heavy!

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enid_puceflange's profile image

enid_puceflange said on 9 December 2009

Thats my dream bike mate,
need's these to make it a perfect 10 .

Warwikc replied... on 11 December 2009

I just checked out your link - it was for an old Foes F1 fork with 6 inches of travel. Given that the frame has 10 ins on the back, it would be unbalanced. I think the Fox 40 is a better match!

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euxodusmtb's profile image

euxodusmtb said on 6 December 2009

foes are super sick, fact

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theegg75's profile image

theegg75 said on 6 December 2009


Please login to reply to this comment.'s profile image said on 24 November 2009

i love this bike i ride with someone that has one its ace

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diggersam's profile image

diggersam said on 23 November 2009

nice bike :)

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jumper666's profile image

jumper666 said on 29 October 2009

nice bike.the frame looks like a cheepy not sayin it is tho dont like it really but thats just my opinion.soz

Warwikc replied... on 29 October 2009

Average price £2,699 new, frame only. Fully built up you're looking at £4-5,000

Warwikc replied... on 29 October 2009

Average price £2,699 new, frame only. Fully built up you're looking at £4-5,000

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konarider123's profile image

konarider123 said on 25 October 2009

wow beastly

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Matastrophe's profile image

Matastrophe said on 21 October 2009

For the forks alone you deserve this.

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junglist_matty's profile image

junglist_matty said on 20 October 2009

This is far from the best looking bike, but engineering wise its mind blowing. That rear shock is quite something else! ...I didn't realise just how high the BB is on this frame!!! Its nearly 75% the height of the wheels!!! Crazy machine.

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dapparob's profile image

dapparob said on 16 October 2009

beast........ (said in a turretts shouty way!!)

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jase874's profile image

jase874 said on 7 October 2009

very nice, first place i've seen one that hasn't been in a magazine

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happy_pills _12345's profile image

happy_pills _12345 said on 5 October 2009

hi foes make the best bikes .i have a foes fxr brill allrounder bike .how you getting on with the currnutt shock.??? my currnutt shock. seems to run to much sag

Warwikc replied... on 5 October 2009

If you've got the air Curnutt, just pump it up a bit more (or if it's coil change the spring). I had problems with bottoming-out and then found out that I'd been running the pressure far too low for my weight. They're very adjustable, I find

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hardcoreHT..15's profile image

hardcoreHT..15 said on 28 September 2009


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BikersLegs's profile image

BikersLegs said on 27 September 2009

SICK ! is that a nitros oxide can lol

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salarsatti123's profile image

salarsatti123 said on 19 September 2009


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djdragonfly's profile image

djdragonfly said on 17 September 2009

top marks my fellow Foes brother of the dirt world i love it mate

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jr's profile image

jr said on 27 August 2009

nt bad at all very nice rate all my bikes plz

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cookiebiker's profile image

cookiebiker said on 26 August 2009

lucky basterd. such a nice bike. i have wanted one so bad

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t3rribl3on3's profile image

t3rribl3on3 said on 19 August 2009

stunning bike mate. ive just been offered a swap for a 2006 foes mono dhs (the one with the vertical shock) for my scott, would you say i should go for it.. i ride mainly dh and free ride.

t3rribl3on3 replied... on 24 August 2009

got it on sat :D

t3rribl3on3 replied... on 19 August 2009

ive talked myself in to it, getting it on saturday :D here is a pic of it i will take all the stickers off etc apart from the foes ones

Warwikc replied... on 19 August 2009

Difficult to say - the Scott is a good all-round freeride bike but the DHS Mono is a big-hit downhill bike. I've not ridden the 2006 model but I did have a 2006 Foes Fly which was brilliant in the woods and on downhill tracks, but you wouldn't have enjoyed riding it any distance on the road. If I were you,and with the sort of riding you do, I'd be tempted by the Foes, though - it's a serious bit of kit and quite a rare one

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ctd09's profile image

ctd09 said on 11 August 2009

perhaps the most gnarly dh bike in England?

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teanB's profile image

teanB said on 9 August 2009

lovin that shock

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mkrp1976's profile image

mkrp1976 said on 8 August 2009

Now thats what I call a beast!! Love that fact that Foes goes against the norm and uses an air shock!

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08StinkyRider's profile image

08StinkyRider said on 8 August 2009

very nice! thats one hell of a rear shox! love it!

rate my stinky please

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jay12's profile image

jay12 said on 7 August 2009

very nice and starange bike

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downhillking09's profile image

downhillking09 said on 6 August 2009

well cool bike rate my bike please

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Stug's profile image

Stug said on 29 July 2009

know theye good & alot of people like 'em but I'm not one of them. Sweet build though.

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Dirt Addict's profile image

Dirt Addict said on 27 July 2009

man i just went all mushy

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Gazz's profile image

Gazz said on 26 July 2009

i was going to give this a low score when i first clicked, but readin the components it should run like the nuts.

Never heard of Foes before though - off to google to research.

Sweet set up

bikinhippy replied... on 26 August 2009

youve never heard of Foes where hav you been?

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bikinhippy's profile image

bikinhippy said on 24 July 2009

One of the best downhill bikes ever made along with the M3 and Shockwave

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Biker_jez's profile image

Biker_jez said on 24 July 2009

Really nice, Love that rear shock. but wont a spring be better for DH rather then an airshock? And i would love those Fox 40's, awsome.

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connor-o's profile image

connor-o said on 22 July 2009

sweat shock nice and soft 10! please rate my giant reign X0

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sleeping_menace's profile image

sleeping_menace said on 20 July 2009

Very sweet ride.. I've owned a Foes Mono.. loved it.. --gorgeous ride

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skinheadjc's profile image

skinheadjc said on 17 July 2009

hot damn thats nice!!!

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Wollis's profile image

Wollis said on 17 July 2009

Awesome bike mate! I've heard people say that they are too much for the UK but I'd rather have it and not need it than not have it at all. And on the Alps Whistler trips these beasts really come into their own. A 10 everyday of the week!!!

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MADDO95's profile image

MADDO95 said on 17 July 2009

dat wud hav 2 b 1 ov da koolest bikes eva have a ten man

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kipmtb12345's profile image

kipmtb12345 said on 12 July 2009

I think its one of the coolest bikes i have ever seen its just amazing and 10 inch travel thats just awsome and that frame is just crazy !!!!!!!!

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ivaylo14's profile image

ivaylo14 said on 9 July 2009

sick bike like the rear shock 10/10

i am a boy in need, so pls rate my bike i can't sleep :[
ps. i am counting on u

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x.qubee's profile image

x.qubee said on 3 July 2009

What They Retail For? Absolutely Minted!

Warwikc replied... on 6 July 2009

If you were to buy one new the frame would cost £2,849. Crazy money! But as I say, I got mine second-hand on Ebay

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jameshowlett1991's profile image

jameshowlett1991 said on 10 June 2009

thinking about getting one, are they a bit overkill for the uk? how do they pedal and jump?

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kalom's profile image

kalom said on 31 March 2009

how much did all that cost

Warwikc replied... on 31 March 2009

I got the frame, wheels and seatpost for £1650 off Ebay - I had to buy new cranks and rear mech: the rest I swapped off of my old bike

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roydenw1's profile image

roydenw1 said on 27 March 2009

Very nice,have you always run the air on it?

Warwikc replied... on 27 March 2009

Yes - I bought the frame secondhand off Ebay and it came with the air shock

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diamondratuk's profile image

diamondratuk said on 8 March 2009

my buds got one, but with the coil rear and Curnutt forks on it. And just who the hell builds a Foes for comfort? You build it to nail the trail man.

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bikerjulie's profile image

bikerjulie said on 5 March 2009

What a wierd looking bike, looks uncomfy.

DoctorBobrick replied... on 6 April 2009

bes be trollin

Warwikc replied... on 5 March 2009

Er.. it's a downhill race bike.
It's not really meant to be comfy.
I don't know how much you know about downhill, but these kinds of bikes are meant for the sort of run, like at Fort William, where you take the cable car up to the top of the mountain and then roll very fast all the way to the bottom over rocks and jumps for a run that will take you somewhere between 6 and 8 minutes. And then you take the cable car back up again.
You aren't going to be doing all-day cross-country treks on it or anything like that.

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Rossy32123's profile image

Rossy32123 said on 5 March 2009

thats one hell of a bike!
and that shock is insane :P !

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chris-bradley's profile image

chris-bradley said on 3 March 2009



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konastinky888's profile image

konastinky888 said on 2 March 2009

that shock looks crazy. its like a bazooka or something. im half expecting to see some flames coming from the blue thing, rocket bike style. looks like a beast.

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joebarrie shetland's profile image

joebarrie shetland said on 2 March 2009

wot is the name of that shock

cookiebiker replied... on 26 August 2009

curnut only fits on foes bikes as they have a partnership. they are meant to feel so plush.

konastinky888 replied... on 2 March 2009

he lists it in the description. curnutt XTD air shock.

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Warwikc's profile image

Warwikc said on 1 March 2009

My new bike - best I've ever had!

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Foes 2:1 DHS Mono frame, 10" travel with Curnutt XTD Air shock, Fox 40s, Saint cranks and rear mech, Foes/MRP chain device, Foes/Hadley rear hub, Hope front hub, Mavic EX729 rims, SDG Belair saddle, Race Face Diabolus stem and bars, Hope M4 brakes

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