Specialized - Hardrock Sport
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Specialized - Hardrock Sport


Battles Won 2
Site Ranking 172
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Tonygnome's profile image

Tonygnome said on 18 May 2011

Not as good as mine :P

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JayR2010's profile image

JayR2010 said on 3 May 2011

change brakes forks and put a single speed onit apart from tha,its a good all round frame, rate my stp

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j26's profile image

j26 said on 4 April 2010

brilliant bike to start off i started with one of these and done me good
rate mine please

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SynysterJake's profile image

SynysterJake said on 5 December 2009

nice bike :)

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hardcoreHT..15's profile image

hardcoreHT..15 said on 1 October 2009

mine looked like this... for a month, then it got new things.... check it out and rate if you like...

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spesh79's profile image

spesh79 said on 9 June 2009

Nice mate, if i was gonna change anything id go for a seatpost with a bit more adjustability

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jac114's profile image

jac114 said on 13 September 2008

thats a nice bike for a youngster to have. Glad you like it..ignore the haters.

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Pete-DMR's profile image

Pete-DMR said on 13 March 2008

i got one 2 r8 mine its more custom do

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wingybike's profile image

wingybike said on 22 September 2007

nice reflectors

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kieranmtbaddict's profile image

kieranmtbaddict said on 9 September 2007

put sum discs on it...(hydraulic)

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bighit's profile image

bighit said on 8 September 2007

hate it sorry

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mattdent.9's profile image

mattdent.9 said on 27 August 2007

Dont like rst, v -brakes are light but not so good, but i used to have a hard rock now have a rockhopper, much better, but these are soo good for the money. My wheels feel apart pretty quick, on this!

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diamondratuk's profile image

diamondratuk said on 9 August 2007

It'll will do the job I suppose. Looks too clean, has it seen any dirt yet?

dirt-monkeys replied... on 12 August 2007

just in case anyones wondering shes my sister on my account the first time!!!

HI12345 replied... on 10 August 2007

yes i clend it yesterday

dirt-monkeys replied... on 9 August 2007

i just cleaned it

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HI12345's profile image

HI12345 said on 8 August 2007

its my bike and i like it

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dirt-monkeys's profile image

dirt-monkeys said on 7 August 2007

nice bike billie!!

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jamesf348's profile image

jamesf348 said on 7 August 2007

I started on one of these. Good bikes to start on and you'll never break it. Remove the reflectors, change the pedals, remove the cassete guard, probably change the spesh fast trax tyres, they're not the best and save up one or two quid and change the forks when you get bit better. No need to change them yet. Oh,and it's better than dirt monkeys bike!!

HI12345 replied... on 8 August 2007


HI12345 replied... on 8 August 2007


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skinheadjc's profile image

skinheadjc said on 6 August 2007

pretty stock - but a good place to start

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CitizenLee's profile image

CitizenLee said on 6 August 2007

Great starter bike. Get those reflectors off and it will look 10x better.

Dirt Monkey... no need to be so harsh! This is somones pride and joy!

jay-ov-plymstock replied... on 20 December 2007

harley ur minted nd u can afford a nice bike u wnted da 1 dat u got neway nd dat aint even expensiv

HI12345 replied... on 8 August 2007

thank u citizenlee and jamesf348

HI12345 replied... on 8 August 2007

and dirtmonkeys at the bottom

HI12345 replied... on 8 August 2007

and dirtmonkeys at the bottom

HI12345 replied... on 8 August 2007

thank u citizenlee and jamesf348

dirt-monkeys replied... on 7 August 2007

Yeh harley!

jamesf348 replied... on 7 August 2007

Do a few more paper rounds then

dirt-monkey replied... on 6 August 2007

yeh well every1 harsh on my bike jst cuz i cant afford a nice bike so y cant i be harsh to someone

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dirt-monkey's profile image

dirt-monkey said on 6 August 2007

ew hate it not my type of bike

dirt-monkeys replied... on 7 August 2007

harley, its better than yours, and she is only 9, and when you were 9 you didn't have a bike as good as this!

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bikerboywill's profile image

bikerboywill said on 5 August 2007

now thses are very good starter bikes because they can do everthing believe it or not, so thats why it gets a 7 would be an 8 with new forks casue rst r rubbish

jamesf348 replied... on 7 August 2007

Are you implying you needa freeride bike to do everything??

dirt-monkey replied... on 6 August 2007

it not a freeride bike

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billies hard rock sport 07

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