Lush bike only because I've got one. Problem is they weigh alot which I'm sure you know compared to some bikes. Id like to see what upgrades you'll do to it.
dude word of advice. swap out the suspension for something decent, i've got jnr t and a dnm inferno. i'm also running decent hydraulic brakes. once you get everything like that sorted you get a really good running bike. ;)
Knucklehead said on 22 August 2009
Lush bike only because I've got one. Problem is they weigh alot which I'm sure you know compared to some bikes. Id like to see what upgrades you'll do to it.
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konastinky888 said on 6 April 2009
looks ok, has lots of scope for upgrading
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brocky said on 5 April 2009
nice bike sean
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saracensean123 said on 5 April 2009
its hard to get up hill but when you get there its one hell of a journey down with it
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taylor mcHUCKER said on 5 April 2009
LOOKS nice mate
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bagedntageed said on 5 April 2009
dude word of advice. swap out the suspension for something decent, i've got jnr t and a dnm inferno. i'm also running decent hydraulic brakes. once you get everything like that sorted you get a really good running bike. ;)
rate mine plz
saracensean123 replied... on 5 April 2009
yh i should be gettin some money in july nd gonna spend it on it
saracensean123 replied... on 5 April 2009
yh i should be gettin some money in july nd gonna spend it on it
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