07 reign x
differs from stock -
sunline v1 bar and am stem
tech m4 brakes
tiagra close ratio cassete
belair seat
x.9 short cage mech
x.9 shifter
balckspire ns-1 chain device
ex721 on pro 2 rear
new fork uppers, lowers and rebuilt internal.
sorry for dark picture
Mudman said on 18 November 2009
wow, thats nice
rate mine please
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CoryHowarth12345 said on 23 August 2009
would u ever get ridd of this bike as i would be intrested in a tradee :) ??
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Jonofthejungle said on 20 August 2009
Did it come in black, or is that a spray job?
It looks good either way!
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jayzer said on 4 July 2009
thats a nice ride u got there
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lukepenny said on 5 May 2009
awesome freeride rig, and it looks great!
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ashley_photog said on 21 January 2009
not a fan, looks too compact, fiddley and heavy
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dannyd said on 7 June 2008
mint bike always wanted one of these! lol.
rate mine if you like.
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kevinr08 said on 25 May 2008
nice bike...................
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sills said on 9 April 2008
lush rate mine
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jam3983 said on 2 April 2008
wooowwww recent giants look the tits and this has a gr8 spec
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pen_melyn said on 20 January 2008
Sweet cant figure out y urs has got the blue writting lmao !! i bought mine in the summer and have just had the forks back for new internals and stansions how r urs?
orangesrule replied... on 20 January 2008
ah looks like yours is an 08 one that why - i've now got the original metal race face bash on there, a rear mavic ex721 on pro 2 and some highrollers. i also drilled the original rims to accept schrader tubes.
orangesrule replied... on 20 January 2008
What was wrong with your 36's? what colour writing does yours have haha. I'm considering either putting some boxxer teams (lowered to 180mm) or so totems.
orangesrule replied... on 20 January 2008
What was wrong with your 36's? what colour writing does yours have haha. I'm considering either putting some boxxer teams (lowered to 180mm) or so totems.
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dirtjumpmonkey said on 18 January 2008
dont reil like giant but they are amazing bikes
dirtjumpmonkey replied... on 18 January 2008
sorry ment it to be 10 my bad
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ckflip said on 17 January 2008
Nice looking bike
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roj said on 13 December 2007
nice. my friend has 1 and it's so good!
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00james said on 5 October 2007
its ok but seen better looking bikes on here
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P2 CR-MO said on 30 September 2007
yh nice bike looks good in black
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wingybike said on 22 September 2007
lush bike i will be considerin dat framei a couple of years but arnt da rims weak p.s. i live behind u
orangesrule replied... on 22 September 2007
You live behind me? random, rims are fine, so far slightly buckled nowt mager - once they do go i'll just buy some mavic ex721's on pro 2's for it. oh it no has some nice grippy highrollers on it now.
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alyt06 said on 22 September 2007
alrite rob u no if canns open agen yet
nice ride
orangesrule replied... on 22 September 2007
And you go by the name of? i'll be up there tomorrow
wingybike replied... on 22 September 2007
i was up cann 2 day lots ov ppl up der quite a few trails bein built
orangesrule replied... on 22 September 2007
Who's this? ye cann is open, but still need a lot more building and clearing work done to it.
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davexdavexdave said on 11 September 2007
love that frame
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DDdasher said on 7 September 2007
Stealthy. Sic ride dude
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jamesf348 said on 6 September 2007
Now thats splendid!
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jack251 said on 31 August 2007
very ice but looks too new and shiney. get some dirt on it!
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ajb_1985 said on 30 August 2007
nice over all but nothing special or different from the rest...
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mattdent.9 said on 25 August 2007
Bit boring, but i rekon it rides really well, good fork.
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CitizenLee said on 23 August 2007
Awesome bike. Love the all black stealth look. Regins are definately one of the bikes I'm considering when I get me a softie.
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mosleypup said on 23 August 2007
nothing special, and the headset needs looking at
orangesrule replied... on 23 August 2007
^Cheers bud^, mosely wtf are you on , there is nothing wrong with the headset - its and internal one and works perfectly fine...
CitizenLee replied... on 23 August 2007
Are you on drugs? What's wrong his his headset? If you mean stack heigh then fair enough... but each to their own amigo.
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the_honky said on 22 August 2007
quite nice - good spec but not my thing
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orangesrule said on 21 August 2007
seeing as i can, i might aswell vote on her - admittidly she does look a bit bland...well understated, but she rides like a beaut.
wingybike replied... on 29 October 2007
DerekKobeTi replied... on 22 August 2007
Its not bland mate, it looks sweet...
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DerekKobeTi said on 21 August 2007
Very nice mate
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sxtrail1 said on 21 August 2007
sweet bike man, wt are the fox forks like
orangesrule replied... on 21 August 2007
They are very nice, they seem perfectly sprung for me, very plush - they are the basic Van r's, but are all i need really. Much plush and stiffer than my pikes.
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kieranmtbaddict said on 21 August 2007
thats a friggin beauty....
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skinheadjc said on 21 August 2007
now thats a bike i'd like to have myself.
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Dirtjumper3200 said on 21 August 2007
Hey orangesrule Mark here. Love your bike but its too bland.
orangesrule replied... on 21 August 2007
lol, no worries, i reckon when/if i break the wheels i'll get some ex721's on pro 2 - the yellow decals should brighten it up a bit aswell.
Dirtjumper3200 replied... on 21 August 2007
Shit that was supposed to be a 9 sorry.
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yam153 said on 21 August 2007
Nice freeride bike how much does it have
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garsr6 said on 20 August 2007
lovin that paintjob!
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bikerboywill said on 20 August 2007
love it awsume freeride bike :D
p.s. where did u get youre chain device and how much was it
bikerboywill replied... on 22 August 2007
yeah thanks i no where it is now thanks 4 your help :D
orangesrule replied... on 21 August 2007
The is called Cogs bikes and ie near the main entrance of the mall. Its sister shop is called simply the bike is torquay - that may or may not be closer to you though, i had to order mine which took about 3 days to come through.
bikerboywill replied... on 21 August 2007
thanks thats exactly what a want and i can get to plymouth easily :D where is the shop and what is it called
orangesrule replied... on 20 August 2007
One of my lbs's -cogs bikes in plymouth, pirce matched crc for £70, Oh BTW so fair she has cost me a tad under £1650 as is.
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