Frame: FitBikeco Aitken S3 21" TT
Forks: FitBikeco Blade Lite,10mm Drop-outs
Stem: FBM Crown Royale
Bars: BSD TooLoose
Grips : The Shadow Conspircacy
Barends : Oddysey
Headset : Fly 5mm
Seat : FitBikeco Pivotal Leather
Seatpost : United Pivotal
Cranks : WethePeople Royale
Pedals : Primo Stricker Plastic
Sprocket : United 25 tooth
Chain : Some KMC thing
Rear Wheel: Primo 6000 rim on a Primo Mix 9tooth Hub
Front Wheel : Primo 6000 rim on an Oddysey Vandero 2 hub(not in Pic)
Front Tyre: Oddysey Aitken Street 2.25" Kevlar/Foldable
Rear Tyre : Animal GLH 2.10" Foldable
Pegs: Attila Met Pegs
Brakes: Lotek Nightwolf , Aitken Sig.
dirtjumpjake said on 22 August 2011
love it especially forks!
rate my bmx cheers
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urban dirt jumper said on 4 January 2010
ya nees a back brake at leat for it to be a 10.
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Ruffer said on 24 October 2009
People sayin that black is boring can get lost tbf, love it - Rate my KHE
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24sevenrider said on 12 October 2009
mate... ill buy it off you ?600... pleasereply to : i may offer moreif i can...
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giantman34 said on 4 October 2009
love it the black looks very nice, thinking off getting a bmx could you recomend a decent one for my first that doesnt cost that much but i am willing too spend a bit of money for quality
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Park boy 16 said on 30 May 2009
Very nice spec mate, 10 for the spec.
Id only give it a 9 if it was on looks though, blacks a bit boring.
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dirtjumper65 said on 27 May 2009
it alright pretty shit just kiddin
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BMXStu said on 26 May 2009
Really nice to ride, perfect for me.
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