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Butcher Ranch Trail

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Butcher Ranch mountain bike trail at Downieville, California, USA Read more

place Sacramento,



Open - All Clear


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Butcher Ranch Trail is the trail that made Downieville famous for singletrack, and it's for good reason - this trail rocks!

Butcher starts as a steep, 40+mph doubletrack with two-wheel drifty corners and big, smooth table-top jumps. Fun if you're fresh, nerve racking if you're fatigued. After a little more than a mile, Butcher narrows down to a tightly forested, rocky singletrack. The trail is fast, it's slow, it's smooth, it's rocky as hell; metaphorically speaking, Butcher Ranch Trail has it all, including a 700' climb midway to the Third Divide trailhead. This painstaking climb is where riders either stand up and pin it, or lower their head in exhaustion and defeat. Which will you be?

To return to Downieville you can follow the Second or Third Divide trails which hook up with First Divide Trail, a 2.5 mile roller coaster which takes you back into town.



Nearest Town: Sacramento

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Please note: Distance is calculated as air distance or "as the crow flies" the most direct route between two points, so the distance by road maybe slightly longer.

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Last modified: 2010-01-04 19:55:07

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