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Meerendal Trail

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This trail was built entirely by The Tygerberg MTB Club. It is graded from easy to medium. It has been designed for the whole family to enjoy. Read more

place Cape Town,



Open - All Clear


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This trail was built entirely by The Tygerberg MTB Club. It is graded from easy to medium. It has been designed for the whole family to enjoy. The Route is made up of three inter-leading trails of 5km(yellow), 12km (green) and 15km (red), and take 1-2 hours to complete depending on your pace.
The trails make use of the natural contours of the land, thus avoiding any difficult climbs or dangerous rocky descents, There is one main ascent on the long route to test your balance and legs, called 'Stairway to Heaven' featuring four specially constructed switchbacks that even a novice should be able to handle. If you are feeling energetic, there is an additional new blue route that takes you to the top of the 425m-high Dorst Berg (Thirsty Mountain!) from where there is a 2km long piece of thrilling single track back down to Stairway to Heaven. It is worth the climb for the panoramic 360 degree views of the whole of the WC!



Nearest Town: Cape Town

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Please note: Distance is calculated as air distance or "as the crow flies" the most direct route between two points, so the distance by road maybe slightly longer.

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Last modified: 2012-06-13 17:15:22

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