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BorakTheCrazyHobbit's Profile

Joined: 20th July 2010


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Gender: Male

Downhill/4x rider, from the north east near Hamsterly but live in Newbury god bless the army for moving me 254 miles from my fave trail!
Ive been riding for 12 years mainly Downhill and dirt jumping but i have done Trials. Ive races NPS 4x and downhill as well as local series. starting racing hopefully next year again providing im not somewhere hot and sandy.
Anyone in the south who wants to let me in on the nice spots feel free for hits. heading to cwmDonwn in a few weeks as well as the "expert" mountain bike area in swinley forest.
im currently building a nice little bit of porn on "cold-ash hill" outside of hermitage, its nothing fancy or to extreme, also tryin to get my Commanding Officer to give me permission to build some dirt jumps on or exercise area, fingers crossed lads!

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